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Stress Management

What Is Stress? All of us, at some point or the other, have experience stress. When an emotional or physical tension is formed due to a perceived challenge, demand, or threat, it is called stress. It can be triggered by a variety of circumstances.  When you feel vulnerable, your body automatically prepares itself for the

Catch the Big C Early! Benefits of Early Screening in Cancer Detection

Cancer is a cluster of diseases characterized by an uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells that can affect almost any tissue or body organ. Globally, cancer is the second leading cause of mortality. As per a WHO report, breast, cervical, lung, colorectal, and thyroid cancer occur commonly in women, while prostate, colorectal, lung, liver, and stomach

5 Reasons Why You Should Get a Mammogram Today!

Breast cancer is, by far, the most common cancer in women worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer death in women, globally. According to statistics, in India, 1 in 28 women is likely to develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Every year, the month of October is marked as the #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth, to increase support

Health Screening: An Overview

“Health is not valued till sickness comes” – No saying is wiser than these words of wisdom by Thomas Fuller. It is when we fall sick that we realise the importance of staying healthy and take adequate measures to heal our body. Fortunate are those who get a second lease of life and bounce back

Understanding COPD an How Early Detection can Help

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease commonly referred to as COPD is a word not known to 99.15% of people even though it causes more deaths than AIDS, TB, Malaria and Diabetes combined.  COPD often termed as the smoker’s disease and identified by a smoker’s cough, is a far bigger problem and needs our immediate attention. According

Screening Vs. Diagnosis: 5 Things You Need to Know Today!

The advent of medical technology has given us several medical wonders; and has contributed immensely to the advancement of medicine. It has made several untreatable diseases and conditions treatable in the past few decades. However, with medical inflation at its peak and the increasing medical burden of the country, the cost of health care is

Top 5 Health Screening Myths Debunked

To catch cancer earlier, we need to predict who is going to get it in the future. The complex nature of forecasting risk has been bolstered by artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Health screening is often the most misunderstood word in the world of healthcare. A preventive health check-up or health screening is for healthy individuals