#FitnessFirst How Regular Health Screenings Can Help You Manage Chronic Diseases February 21, 2025 Chronic diseases account for nearly 75% of all deaths globally. But what if we could help these 41 million people manage chronic diseases? Proactive health management through preventive health screening – aided by hyper-tech AI health screening – now makes this possible. Regular preventive health screenings can help manage conditions like chronic kidney disease, heart … Continue Reading
#FitnessFirst How Annual Checkups Can Save You Money in the Long Run February 19, 2025 The Financial Benefits of Regular Health Screenings Many people avoid annual health checkups because they seem unnecessary when you feel fine. But skipping them can lead to expensive treatments later. Regular screenings help detect health problems early, reducing hospital bills and insurance costs. 1) Long-Term Financial Benefits Preventive health screenings and make … Continue Reading
#FitnessFirst How to Choose the Right Health Screening Package February 18, 2025 Why Health Screenings Are Essential for Your Well-Being Even as a healthy, asymptomatic young person, you may be harboring serious health problems. Symptoms include shortness of breath (heart problems), recurring headaches (high blood pressure), and sudden weight changes (cancer). However, the main issue arises when a lot of these serious conditions manifest without any … Continue Reading
#FitnessFirst How Cold Weather Triggers Lifestyle Disease February 17, 2025 What Are Chronic Inflammatory and Autoimmune Conditions? Inflammation happens when your body responds to an injury or infection. It’s a good thing because it helps protect you, but if it goes on too long, it can lead to chronic conditions. Autoimmune diseases are a type of inflammation where your immune system starts attacking your … Continue Reading
#FitnessFirst 7 Science-backed Healthy Lifestyle Hacks for Busy Professionals December 17, 2024 Why Healthy Habits Matter? You spend one-third of your life working, and with time your work defines your lifestyle. From eating healthy to even forgetting to eat during work hours, your health becomes a second priority. Let’s be honest—we all somewhere down the line recognize this shift but feel there’s little time to make … Continue Reading
#FitnessFirst 10 Reasons Why Regular Health Screening is Important May 11, 2022 It is easy to ignore the possibility of an illness when you are apparently healthy or keeping well seemingly. Moreover, you probably don’t want to worry about ailments unless you experience a symptom that you cannot ignore. It is natural to feel that way. However, given how easily different diseases and conditions are affecting people … Continue Reading
#FitnessFirst Digital Mammography | Breast Cancer April 28, 2022 Did you know that about 2.3 million women around the world were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020? And 685,000 of them could not survive. In India, as well as the rest of the world, Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer observed in women. Moreover, data suggests it to be more common … Continue Reading
#Health&Ai 5 Essential Health Test Women Need Once They Turn 30 October 28, 2022 Making a bucket list of things to do before you turn 30? Right on top of that list should be scheduling medical health screening tests, especially if you haven’t been doing them regularly. Regular medical health checks help you weed out any medical issues early on, reducing the risk of any debilitating consequences that may … Continue Reading
#Health&Ai The benefits of Ai in Healthcare June 3, 2021 How Ai is delivering transformational benefits in healthcare The word “artificial intelligence” or Ai immediately connotes the future. It implies a world where machines converse with one another within an ecosystem that transforms the way we live and function in our day-to-day lives. Manufacturing robots, bot nurses, smart assistants, robotic vacuum machines, Alexa, Google Home, … Continue Reading
#Health&Ai How Artificial Intelligence is shaping the future of healthcare June 3, 2021 Today, digital tools are the norm in every facet of life. A step forward from this is artificial intelligence or Ai as it is popularly known. The potential of Ai in transforming the manner in which we function as human beings is phenomenal. IoT and other machine learning solutions are pointers to this fact. Healthcare … Continue Reading
#Health&Ai Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging: A Game Changer May 12, 2021 The very mention of AI or Artificial Intelligence in healthcare makes most of us picture a humanoid doctor treating us. So, how close are we to this scenario? Well, it seems we are almost there. Journey of AI in Medical Roadways: So far, So good! Since starting from the very first AI project, the Dendral … Continue Reading
#Health&Ai Understand Modern Healthcare: How AI Technology is Shaping the Future of Healthcare April 19, 2021 Over the years, we have witnessed an incredible amount of progress in modern healthcare technology, and Artificial Intelligence is all set to be the next big step in the field of medical diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence describes the ability of computer programs and machines to mimic human intelligence. But the moment we hear the term “artificial … Continue Reading
#HealthCheckUp What is Preventive Health Check-Up and Why is it Important for You? May 4, 2022 Did you know that a simple problem like anaemia or iron deficiency can lead to irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia, or even heart failure? Globally, over 2 million people have anaemia and if left undiagnosed and untreated, it can lead to heart issues. Why is this important and how is it linked to a preventive health check-up? … Continue Reading
#HealthCheckUp Diabetes – The bitter-sweet truth May 12, 2021 What is diabetes? The disease has been called the “silent killer”. It refers to a disorder where the body does not have the capacity to absorb blood glucose resulting in increased blood sugar levels. Left untreated, diabetes can affect internal organs and can even be life-threatening. The World Health Organization has predicted Diabetes to be … Continue Reading
#HealthCheckUp Cancer: A Growing Menace For India May 12, 2021 On February 4th, World Cancer Day, the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) provided voice and thanks to the nurses, physicians, researchers, volunteers, campaigners, and other oncology caregivers from around the world, as well as government departments, who have served through the COVID-19 pandemic over the past year. In the face of the pandemic, the … Continue Reading
#HealthCheckUp Cardiovascular Diseases, Types, Risks and Prevention May 12, 2021 India is a nation with a very young population. So, it is of utmost importance that our country’s youth, especially those between 25 to 55, focus on cardiovascular health. The diseases involving the heart and its blood vessels are called cardiovascular diseases. Types of Cardiovascular diseases: The form or function of the heart is affected … Continue Reading
#HealthCheckUp Catch the Big C Early! Benefits of Early Screening in Cancer Detection May 12, 2021 Cancer is a cluster of diseases characterized by an uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells that can affect almost any tissue or body organ. Globally, cancer is the second leading cause of mortality. As per a WHO report, breast, cervical, lung, colorectal, and thyroid cancer occur commonly in women, while prostate, colorectal, lung, liver, and stomach … Continue Reading
#HealthCheckUp 5 Reasons Why You Should Get a Mammogram Today! April 19, 2021 Breast cancer is, by far, the most common cancer in women worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer death in women, globally. According to statistics, in India, 1 in 28 women is likely to develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Every year, the month of October is marked as the #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth, to increase support … Continue Reading
#HealthCheckUp Understanding COPD an How Early Detection can Help April 19, 2021 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease commonly referred to as COPD is a word not known to 99.15% of people even though it causes more deaths than AIDS, TB, Malaria and Diabetes combined. COPD often termed as the smoker’s disease and identified by a smoker’s cough, is a far bigger problem and needs our immediate attention. According … Continue Reading
#HealthScreening101 Health Screening: An Overview April 19, 2021 “Health is not valued till sickness comes” – No saying is wiser than these words of wisdom by Thomas Fuller. It is when we fall sick that we realise the importance of staying healthy and take adequate measures to heal our body. Fortunate are those who get a second lease of life and bounce back … Continue Reading
#HealthScreening101 Screening Vs. Diagnosis: 5 Things You Need to Know Today! April 19, 2021 The advent of medical technology has given us several medical wonders; and has contributed immensely to the advancement of medicine. It has made several untreatable diseases and conditions treatable in the past few decades. However, with medical inflation at its peak and the increasing medical burden of the country, the cost of health care is … Continue Reading
#HealthScreening101 Top 5 Health Screening Myths Debunked April 19, 2021 To catch cancer earlier, we need to predict who is going to get it in the future. The complex nature of forecasting risk has been bolstered by artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Health screening is often the most misunderstood word in the world of healthcare. A preventive health check-up or health screening is for healthy individuals … Continue Reading
#Lifestyle&Wellbeing Health and Safety of Employees – Why is it Important ? May 20, 2022 According to the United Nations Global Compact, 2.78 million employees die from work related accidents and diseases annually. Apart from this, non-fatal accidents related to the workplace affect 374 million employees every year. A distressing 7500 deaths occur globally every day among employees and these can be attributed to unhealthy and unsafe workplace conditions. But … Continue Reading
#Lifestyle&Wellbeing Simple ways you can live a long, healthy life like the Japanese June 3, 2021 Japanese lifestyle tips for longevity It is no secret that the Japanese live long, healthy lives. While the average life expectancy across the world is 72.6 years, in Japan it is 84.6 years. So how do the Japanese do it? Is there a formula or an approach to life that helps them live not just … Continue Reading
#Lifestyle&Wellbeing Stress Management May 12, 2021 What Is Stress? All of us, at some point or the other, have experience stress. When an emotional or physical tension is formed due to a perceived challenge, demand, or threat, it is called stress. It can be triggered by a variety of circumstances. When you feel vulnerable, your body automatically prepares itself for the … Continue Reading
Nura Employee Health Screening key to a Healthier Workforce December 26, 2022 Staying healthy is key to being able to work at your peak efficiency. We all know that physical and mental fitness go hand in hand. As an employer, this is something you must bear in mind when it comes to your employees. If you run a business or are setting up one, offering employee health … Continue Reading
Nura Causes of Liver Diseases December 26, 2022 As the liver is the second largest organ in the human body and the key player in waste removal from the system, its proper functioning is extremely critical. Several kinds of liver diseases can affect how well the organ works, and many of them, when left unchecked, can impair liver function completely. Liver chronic disease may prevent … Continue Reading
Nura 10 Ways In Which Smoking Can Damage Your Body December 7, 2022 Have you ever heard anyone wax eloquent on the benefits of smoking? Has any cigarette brand ever talked about which cigarette is good for health? No, because cigarette smoking, in fact, the use of tobacco products, is harmful to health, is well known and established. Yet in 2020, according to the WHO, 22.3% of the … Continue Reading
Nura Key Benefits of Employee Medical Check-up & Health Screening December 2, 2022 Human resource is one of the vital assets of any organisation. As a business owner, it is up to you to safeguard this asset so that your business can grow at an incredible pace. Investing in employee health is even more critical now when chronic illnesses are on the rise. Some of these may arise … Continue Reading
Nura The Ultimate Guide to Preventive Care for Men | Nura November 24, 2022 Adopting preventative health measures is a simple way to live long and healthily. Often, men who get tied up with busy careers ignore their health, assuming that as long as they have no visible symptoms, they are in perfect health. However, many diseases may develop slowly in your body with no sign. Failing to notice … Continue Reading
Nura This COPD now Awareness Month, Know all about COPD and how it can affect you November 23, 2022 How many of us know that November is COPD awareness month? Not many at all. In fact, a surprisingly large number of people don’t know what COPD is and how seriously it can affect them. This November, the month officially designated national COPD awareness month, let us learn why it is critical to know about … Continue Reading
Nura Regular Health Checkup Benefits November 9, 2022 A decade ago, the only time we thought of a medical facility was when we got sick. However, this trend has changed today, which is a good thing for us. In today’s world, more people are giving their health importance well before sickness. It means we are heading towards a healthier, more productive population too. … Continue Reading
Nura Osteoporosis- Learn all about this silent immobilizer disease October 29, 2022 Severe osteoporosis disease, or stage 4 osteoporosis, is often categorized by minimal mobility, unexplained fractures, and a drastic change of posture in the patient apart from debilitating permanent pain. A person with a severe form of the disease may be permanently hunched, which prevents them from carrying out their daily activities and dramatically affects their … Continue Reading
Nura Everything you need to know about Coronary Artery Disease October 28, 2022 Coronary Artery Disease, or CAD, is a disease that falls under the umbrella of Cardiovascular diseases or CVDs. In India, not only is the prevalence of CVDs high but there is also a startling predilection for Indians to be susceptible to the disease at a much younger age than our Western counterparts. Research shows that … Continue Reading
Nura 7 Indicators That Tell You Everything About Your Heart Health September 14, 2022 India holds the dubious distinction of having a worryingly high number of deaths caused by cardiovascular disease. Approximately 24.8% of all fatalities in the country can be attributed to CVDs. In addition, the average age at which Indians suffer their first heart ailment is a dramatic 10 years lower, at 53 years, than most developed … Continue Reading
Nura What Are The Recommended Medical Tests By Age 30? September 14, 2022 One of the most important things you must do when you step out on your own into the world as an adult is take your health seriously. In your 20’s you may feel that this is an unnecessary precaution because you are healthy and seldom have any ailments. However, this can prove to be a … Continue Reading
Nura How To Prepare For Your Health Screening – A Handy Guide September 14, 2022 Anyone who understands the importance of staying fit and independent as they age knows how crucial an annual full body check-up can be. These tests help you to ensure that your body is in peak form and there are no impending issues that are waiting to blow up into serious ailments. Even dreaded diseases like … Continue Reading
Nura What are the tests included in Full Body Check- up? September 14, 2022 Have you been putting off a full body check-up because you think it is unnecessary? This oversight can turn out to be very costly for you in terms of your health! A full body check-up helps you to keep a close watch on your body and any changes occurring in it over the years. When … Continue Reading
Nura Why cervical cancer screening should be your priority August 10, 2022 Did you know that the number of women who are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year is a staggering 122,844? Of these, 67,477 women pass away from this disease. In women, in the age group of 15 to 44 years, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed. However, the incidence of this disease … Continue Reading
Nura What is the difference between emphysema and COPD? June 27, 2022 Can you imagine how it would be if you found it difficult to breathe? Or if you had to put in immense effort to simply cough? How would it feel to be unable to bring out the phlegm accumulated in your lungs? This is how people with COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease feel, day … Continue Reading
Nura 10 lifestyle diseases that are common in India June 18, 2022 You don’t catch an illness only from bacteria or a virus. The way you live your life, the habits you have, and the things you do play a major role in determining the kind of ailments you might contract. Which brings us to lifestyle diseases. Wondering how common they are in India? Well, did you … Continue Reading
Nura Blood glucose levels through HbA1c- Why should you check it? What does it tell you? June 9, 2022 Diabetes is a serious concern in India. According to the WHO, 8.7% of the population in the age band of 20 to 70 years suffers from this condition. A slew of factors has led to the growing prevalence of this disease- urbanisation, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle, among others. And the worrying part is that … Continue Reading
Nura Why Mammography Is Important June 3, 2021 Over 40? What you should know about Mammography Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women today. Moreover, it has been noticed that incidence of breast cancer in women increases substantially around the age of 40, which is twice the number as compared to women between 35 to 39 years. While this may look … Continue Reading