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Health and Safety of Employees – Why is it Important ?
May 20, 2022

According to the United Nations Global Compact, 2.78 million employees die from work related accidents and diseases annually. Apart from this, non-fatal accidents related to the workplace affect 374 million employees every year. A distressing 7500 deaths occur globally every day among employees and these can be attributed to unhealthy and unsafe workplace conditions.
But it is not just accidents and unsafe work environments that can take a toll on employees. Often, an employee’s health can be affected by other factors, such as biological/chemical hazards, physical hazards, and ergonomic conditions that result in long-term health problems. Moreover, an employee may have certain medical conditions that prevent them from giving their best. All of these can result in a loss to the employee as well as the employer, which is why managing health and safety for employee should be a priority for any employer.
What is health and safety for employees?
Every employer has the responsibility to provide a safe and healthy working environment to their workforce. Basic hygiene and safety measures must be taken care of. In addition, the employer must also ensure that the working conditions are such that the employees are not at risk of developing any lifestyle diseases simply owing to their work environment.
The importance of safety and health at work becomes evident when we see what kinds of lifestyle diseases can be caused by poor working conditions:
• Studies show that diseases like cancer, liver disease, Alzheimer’s, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, stroke, hypertension and others can be traced back to workplace conditions.
• Work environments with much noise, dust, smoke, or pollutants can cause severe health issues including respiratory problems.
• Working in cramped conditions or lack of ergonomic sitting, standing or working conditions can lead to musculoskeletal damage.
All of these make it critical for employers to prioritise safety and health at work by making periodic medical checks for the workforce available, so that they can track their health status and identify risk areas in advance.
How do employee health and safety measures help employers?
Why is health important to us personally? Good health allows us to give our best in any situation, take up challenges and exert ourselves to the maximum. The collective good health of a workforce can deliver similar benefits to an organisation.
• A healthy employee is an asset to any organisation. Poor health forces an employee to take many leaves of absence, disrupting the work. This is neither good for the employee nor the company, which finds its smooth workflow interrupted multiple times.
• Ensuring that the workplace is conducive to the employee’s good health is equally important to ensure the company upholds its reputation in the marketplace. This is one of the reasons why safety is important, to enable continuous and seamless work.
• Healthy employees are productive employees too, who can rise to challenges quickly and more effectively. Which is why, no company would wish to undermine its productivity by ignoring employee health and safety measures. .
• Another reason why safety is important in the workplace is because when workplace accidents occur, there is a need for investigation and downtime until the root cause is discovered. This negatively impacts the finances of a company.
• Managing health and safety for employees means that employees will be able to work at peak efficiency, and with necessary focus. This ensures that the work happens with accuracy and there is little need for correction or rework.
• When the workforce knows that the employer cares about their health and safety, the morale is better, and fewer people tend to quit or look for jobs elsewhere. If a company can build its reputation for offering a good workplace, the most skilled and qualified people will prefer to work there.
Managing health and safety for employees efficiently
A simple way to keep the workforce healthy is to introduce a system of periodic health checks for all. A critical component of employee health and safety measures, annual health monitoring programs are a very popular way for employers to:
• Show their employees they care about their wellbeing
• Keep track of employee health status
• Identify health risks faced by individual employees before they affect work quality
• Pinpoint and plug areas where the work environment is not healthy
• Ensure that the workforce is at peak efficiency, capable of taking the company to new heights
• Improve employee confidence and trust in the employer by demonstrating that the workforce and its wellbeing matters
In many companies, health checks and medical treatment packages are offered as a perk of the job. These are deemed to be a significant benefit to the employee and clubbed with the salary to show the net cost to company of retaining the individual.
Managing health and safety for employee is not just in the best interest of the individual working for a firm, but also for the firm itself. Human resource is a definite asset to any company but only if the workforce has the ability to give its best. By taking care of safety and health at work, an employer can ensure that the workforce is fully equipped to give its best in terms of productivity. And this can be done simply by incorporating a regular health check-up program for employees from a reliable, experienced medical service provider.

Simple ways you can live a long, healthy life like the Japanese
June 3, 2021

Japanese lifestyle tips for longevity

It is no secret that the Japanese live long, healthy lives. While the average life expectancy across the world is 72.6 years, in Japan it is 84.6 years. So how do the Japanese do it? Is there a formula or an approach to life that helps them live not just longer but healthier?

The fact is that the Japanese have imbibed a particular lifestyle as part of their existence. Maintaining good health is something that everybody in Japan learns at a young age. Japanese children are taught to eat a good diet, exercise daily and maintain good hygiene. Here are 10 tips from the Japanese which we too can incorporate for a healthier, longer life.


  • Balanced diet


While all of us know this, the Japanese lifestyle is built around it. You will find very few fast-food chains in Japan! Though some exist, they do not dominate the food options and avenues. Whether at home or at restaurants, the Japanese eat well-proportioned, nutritious meals. They respect the food of the land and pay their respect and tributes to the one who has prepared the meal. As such, there is a mindful and conscious way of eating that nourishes the body, keeping it healthy. Added to this the Japanese make it a point to always eat fresh ingredients. Seaweed (nori) which is an essential part of the Japanese diet is very low-calorie and high in proteins.

Tip: Split your meal into smaller plates (portion sizes) like the Japanese and you will be consuming a diet that is adequate and nutritious. The formula: One soup, three sides.


  • The philosophy of Ikigai


Simply translated, Ikigai means “the reason for being”. The Ikigai philosophy is ingrained into the Japanese way of life. Ikigai teaches us that life begins on a blank canvas and motivates one to find his or her purpose in life. It is divided into four core areas – a) what we are good at b) what we love c) what the world needs d0 what we can be paid for. This association with life purpose and mortality is found by researchers to increase longevity. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found a positive correlation between having a purpose of life and a decreased mortality rate. Generations of Japanese have believed and practised Ikigai and have been leading a sustained, fulfilling and healthier life.


  • Eat until you are almost full


Hara hachi bu – In Japanese, it literally means “eat until you are 80% full”. One has some room left in the stomach after a meal. This creation of “space” is very healthy for overall well-being.  This kind of mindful eating makes you conscious of the amount of food you are eating and prevents excess or overeating.

Tip: It will help to ask yourself before a meal “How hungry am I?


  • Forest Bathing – An excellent nature therapy


Shinrin-yoku which means “forest bathing” in Japanese is literally soaking yourself in the environment of a forest. One purposefully turns one mind into the essential elements of nature in a forest, heightening the senses to the nuances of nature – the smell of grass, the feel of the gentle breeze, the rustle of leaves, touching the barks of trees, feeling the warmth of the sunlight etc. It relaxes the mind and is equivalent to meditation. Forest walking is proven to lower blood pressure, lower cortisol (the stress hormone) and increase parasympathetic nervous activity which has an overall calming effect. 

Tip: If there is no forest nearby, you can try this method in any natural setting and it’s bound to rejuvenate!


  • Have strong social bonds


Isolation has a very negative impact on health. The Japanese give importance to and focus on building a strong social circle which is the reason they enjoy physical and emotional well-being right up to their old age! Most Japanese keep themselves occupied with work right past their retirement because of their emphasis on social integration.

Tip: Always make time to talk to family and friends and keep in touch in whatever way you can. Conversations and friendships are essential for well-being.


  • Culture of regular health screening


Other than following a unique approach to life, the secret of Japanese longevity also lies in their practice of regular health screening. It’s one thing to be health conscious but quite another to make annual health screening a part of our lifestyle. With regular screening, the Japanese are able to get clarity on their general state of health and also able to detect lifestyle diseases and critical illnesses like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and COPD earlier, which means greater chances of recovery and resuming a normal life.

Tip: Include annual health screening as a mandatory part of your life. Most of the time, prevention is the cure and earlier detection is the way to a healthier life.

Stress Management
May 12, 2021

What Is Stress?

All of us, at some point or the other, have experience stress. When an emotional or physical tension is formed due to a perceived challenge, demand, or threat, it is called stress. It can be triggered by a variety of circumstances. 

When you feel vulnerable, your body automatically prepares itself for the perceived threat. A stress reaction is a normal response in the body. 

While stress is a consistent part of our life, understanding what triggers stress is vital. It lets us avoid stress-causing situations. However, the problem lies in the fact that stress is a habitual response to circumstances that we cannot escape.

Effects of Stress

  1. All stress is not bad. The purpose of our body’s reaction to stress is to prepare us for situations necessary for an improved health outcome (better muscle tension or a higher heart rate).
  2. Avoiding stress triggers and reactions will help retain your calm, provide immediate and lasting overall benefits, and prevent medical complications caused by stress.
  3. Each person deals with stress differently, so it is imperative to know that there are thousands others like us and each one’s reaction to stress is unique.
  4. Each person has unique stress triggers. The effects and duration of stress also vary from person to person. Do not allow someone to tell you to tone down your anxiety or tell you that your feelings are invalid.
  5. Exercising might be a great means for some of us to battle the effects of stress. However, some people may experience stress at the very thought of working out in the gym. So choose what best works to combat your stress levels.

Causes of Stress

  • Living through a pandemic
  • Having a chronic illness
  • Surviving a dangerous accident or illness
  • Being the victim of a crime
  • Marital stressors such as:
    • An unhappy marriage
    • An abusive relationship
    • Issues related to child custody
    • Extended divorce proceedings
  • Caregiving for a loved one with a terminal ailment like dementia
  • Being poor
  • Working in a risky job
  • Poor work-life balance, extensive hours at work, or doing a job you do not enjoy

Stress Symptoms

You might experience various symptoms of stress such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders
  • Chronic pain
  • Gastric problems
  • Low sex drive
  • Eating disorders
  • Trouble focusing and making choices 

Physical Symptoms of Stress

  • Stress headaches

Also known as tension headaches, they are caused due to tense muscles in the head, neck, and face.

  • Stress ulcers

An ulcer is a sore on the inside layer of your stomach’s digestive lining caused by:

  1. Long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or painkillers (NSAIDs)
  2. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infections
  3. Rare cancers and tumours
  • Stress-eating

If you are binge eating in the middle of the night or eating way more than you used to, you may be stress-eating.

When you indulge in stress eating, you pile up on more calories, and you’re probably not selecting healthy food options. This might cause rapid weight gain and multiple health problems. What you must remember is that it does nothing to reduce your stress!

So, if you’re binge eating for stress relief, it’s time to opt for different coping mechanisms. 

Stress at Work

Work can be one of the leading causes of stress, which can be infrequent or long-lasting.

The importance of work-life balance is very significant. Maintaining good mental health is very important to prevent work burnout which can eventually lead to a breakdown.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are a lethal combination and can have a severe negative impact on your overall health and well-being. Physical symptoms of stress, likely to develop include:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Panic disorder

If you are under high stress due to any situation in your life, seek medical advice immediately. Your doctor will be able to assess your physical and mental status and refer you to counselling if necessary. Especially, is you have morbid thoughts or intentions of hurting yourself or others in any way, get help at once.

Stress Relief

  1.     Deep breathing exercises
  2.     Meditation
  3.     Progressive muscle relaxation
  4.     Biofeedback
  5.     Listening to music
  6.     Mental imagery relaxation
  7.     Counselling 

Stress Management

Stress Management adopts a holistic approach to stress. It’s not about getting completely rid of it as a little bit of stress can be good and beneficial at times. In fact, “good stress” can improve cognitive function and helps you be resilient to face life situations.

Some specific behaviours as first steps in Stress Management are:

  • Exercise frequently
  • Aim for 7-8 hours of sound sleep every night
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Lessen your caffeine and alcohol intake
  • Stay connected socially to receive and provide support
  • Consciously take a  time out and relax

If you cannot succeed in Stress Management on your own or suffer from anxiety or depression, seek help from your therapist or any other mental health professionals right away.


Stress is something that we all face regularly. It affects adults as well as children. Intense stress is undoubtedly detrimental to your physical and mental well-being. Remember, always be mindful of your mental health. Prepare yourself and do not panic.

Luckily, there are many ways of stress management. These are effective for treating both depression and anxiety that may be related to it. 

If you are feeling depressed or suicidal, immediately call a helpline or visit your doctor immediately.
