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Employee Health Screening key to a Healthier Workforce
December 26, 2022

Staying healthy is key to being able to work at your peak efficiency. We all know that physical and mental fitness go hand in hand. As an employer, this is something you must bear in mind when it comes to your employees. If you run a business or are setting up one, offering employee health screenings takes on great importance. Medical screening ensures that you have a healthy workforce capable of taking your business to new heights. However, the fact that this does impose a financial cost on the company prompts hesitation in many employers. Here are a few reasons why health screening of employees is in the best interests of your business.

  • A Simple Way to Boost Employee Productivity

We all know that we work best only when we feel our best. The fact is that healthy employees are productive employees. If you want to keep your workforce productive, ensure that the workforce is healthy and fit. You can wield some control over this by screening employees for health issues and offering medical benefits to get treated for any conditions that are detected. The employees and your business both benefit because the screenings also prompt the employees to stay educated about simple changes they can make in their habits to improve their health and stay fit in the long term.

  • Healthy Employees Create a Positive Environment

Healthy people are confident, happy and enthusiastic in general. This is the kind of workforce you want in your organisation because they create a positive environment and are ready to take up new challenges. Ensuring employee health by offering preventive health screenings is a great way to pave the way for a conducive working environment in your organisation. It is also a great way for you to ensure that your workforce is in peak form at all times, ready to make the best of business opportunities that come your way.

  • Show your Employees you Care

Workplace satisfaction is a huge factor determining how successful you are at retaining skilled, talented people and how well you can attract the best professionals to join your organisation. No one likes to work for an employer who is apathetic to their needs. An employer who demonstrates consideration and concern for employees also becomes a coveted one to work for. Hence, if you wish to attract the best talent to your organisation, demonstrating your concern for employees via health screening services is a good strategy.

  • Reduce Off Days by Employees

Preventive health screenings help employees identify health issues before they turn bad enough to affect their daily lives. They are aided in identifying potential illnesses well in advance before the symptoms even begin to show up or the symptoms get bad enough to disrupt their ability to work. In this way, medical screening reduces the need for employees to take days off on account of sickness, be it for a short while or extended timelines. Disruption-free work helps your organisation’s profitability too.

Preventive health screenings defined

Now that you know how your business can benefit from the health screening of employees, it is also important for you to understand how to offer this. Different kinds of ailments crop up at different stages of life. For example, as we age, arthritis and bone-related issues arise that we may not be as much at risk of when we are younger. To offer your employees the most suitable health benefits, it is a good strategy to design a healthcare package that offers health screenings by age. This means the employee health screenings take into account the employee’s age and ensure that they are screened for the ailments for which they are at the highest risk.

Here’s how You can go about it

Employees who are in good health are a company’s greatest asset. A corporation cannot function if its workers are ill. A company’s development and success are directly correlated to the happiness and wellness of its workers. Therefore, conducting periodic health screenings for your employees enables you to keep a close tab on their overall well-being.

The most critical aspect for your organisation to consider when thinking about employee health screenings is to ensure they get accurate and reliable test results. Partnering with a well-known and trusted partners like NURA Ai Screening allows you to give your employees the best in class preventive health screenings that enable them to identify changes or anomalies in their bodies early so that they can start treatment well in time.

NURA combines the medical expertise of the world-class AI-backed imaging of Japan’s Fujifilm with Dr Kutty’s Healthcare to deliver top-notch testing outcomes. We understand how medical screening can be an uncomfortable, worry-inducing process for many. That’s why our Radiographer, lab technicians, Doctors and service personnel are trained to answer all queries with patience and empathy. With a friendly, comfortable lab environment, testing with the most advanced technology, speedy results and the best customer service, NURA Ai Health Screening / labs is the perfect partner for you to ensure the good health of your workforce.

Causes of Liver Diseases
December 26, 2022

As the liver is the second largest organ in the human body and the key player in waste removal from the system, its proper functioning is extremely critical. Several kinds of liver diseases can affect how well the organ works, and many of them, when left unchecked, can impair liver function completely. Liver chronic disease may prevent proper separation of nutrients and waste, leading to severe complications. Being aware of liver problem symptoms helps you take the right steps in time to prevent this situation.

Liver Disease Symptoms: What to Watch Out for

Knowing the early symptoms of liver disease works in favour of seeking medical help well in time to prevent liver failure. Some warning signs include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Tiredness
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea

When the condition has been existing for a while, and the organ is affected, these are the liver damage symptoms that you may experience:

  • Bloated stomach
  • Jaundice
  • Sleepiness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Swelling or oedema in arms and legs
  • Easily bruising or even bleeding
  • Urine/stool colour change
  • Disorientation

What Causes Liver Failure?

Liver infection can slowly progress over a long time, ultimately resulting in liver failure. However, there is also a condition known as Acute Liver Failure that can occur very quickly, over as little as 48 hours.

Scarring or cirrhosis occurs when significant parts of the liver are damaged beyond repair. The organ damaged in such a way over large areas cannot function because there is not enough healthy tissue left. When this happens, it is called liver failure. This can be potentially life-threatening, and immediate medical care is imperative.  Some kinds of liver disease can also result in cancer when left untreated.

Acute liver failure can develop in those with no previous history of liver problems. Since it develops so quickly, the individual may completely overlook the liver disease symptoms until too late. The symptoms of liver failure mimic those of liver disease; hence they should not be ignored or sidelined as something to be looked into later.

Acute and Chronic Liver Failure

Acute Liver Failure: This occurs when the liver suddenly stops working without any warning signs of liver disease prior to this. An individual may not even know that he/she has a major health complication and needs immediate medical intervention.

Chronic Liver Failure: The damage to the liver builds up slowly over several months or even years until the liver can no longer function properly. When the damage is too substantial, the organ stops functioning. In most cases, untreated liver chronic disease is the leading cause.

Common Causes of Liver Damage

Many factors can damage the liver and/or cause scarring, such as:

  • Some infections such as hepatitis A/E, chronic hepatitis B/C
  • Some autoimmune diseases
  • Diseases that affect bile ducts
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Genetic diseases like Wilson’s disease
  • Diseases that affect the veins in this organ
  • Liver diseases arising from drinking alcohol
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Exposure to toxins like strong industrial-grade chemicals
  • Exposure to toxic mushrooms

Apart from these, some causes arise from medications or treatments you follow:

  • Excessive use of Acetaminophen
  • Reaction to antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and anti-epileptic drugs
  • Some herbal supplements, such as kava

Diagnosing Liver Disease

As acute liver failure can be fatal, it is essential to diagnose it in time and get the right treatment quickly when you see the first warning signs and symptoms. When you approach your physician for liver problem diagnosis, these are the steps they may recommend:

  • Liver Function Tests: This involves assessing the level of protein and enzyme in your blood to indicate how well the liver is functioning
  • Blood tests to identify other conditions: Since liver damage can arise from other conditions, too, blood tests like a complete blood count (CBC) may be advised to identify it
  • Liver Biopsy: Liver samples may be collected to see if there is scarring
  • Imaging: CT scans, MRI, and ultrasound may be done to examine the liver visually

Preventive Care for Liver Disease

Getting liver infection treatment promptly is critical to ensure you do not suffer liver failure. But it is possible for you to overlook the common liver disease symptoms or to put off treatment until it is too late. The best way to avert complications arising from such situations is to focus on preventive care.

An annual health check-up that includes the proper tests to identify liver damage and liver disease in the initial stages helps you identify and seek medical attention at the right time. With the appropriate treatment at the early stages, you can avert serious problems and continue to live your life with ease and freedom.

NURA Ai Screening offers the best testing options backed by Japan’s Fujifilm AI-driven imaging technology and Dr Kutty’s healthcare. Friendly staff (lab technicians, Radiographer, Doctors) empathetic service, quick report generation, and a comfortable lab environment make undergoing preventive tests easy and simple at NURA. Our whole-body scan packages help you keep a watch on your health and identify issues like liver trouble before they begin to affect your body. Book your appointment today and ensure your good health.

Learn More: 10 lifestyle diseases that are common in India

10 Ways In Which Smoking Can Damage Your Body
December 7, 2022

Have you ever heard anyone wax eloquent on the benefits of smoking? Has any cigarette brand ever talked about which cigarette is good for health? No, because cigarette smoking, in fact, the use of tobacco products, is harmful to health, is well known and established. Yet in 2020, according to the WHO, 22.3% of the population worldwide used tobacco. According to a 2022 report, 267 million Indians use tobacco, and this includes minors as well. About 15 million Indians above 15 smoke some form of tobacco, and statistics reveal that it is fatal for approximately 50% of its users. While there are many forms of tobacco, cigarette smoking is its most popular form, which we focus on mainly in this piece. So know how cigarette smoking can be injurious to health in myriad ways.

10 Ill-Effects of Smoking

Smoking can affect every organ. While most people know that the harmful effects of tobacco include the heightened risk of cancers, there are many less-known smoking diseases that can significantly affect your health and lifestyle. Take a look at ten of these:


  • Cardiovascular diseases

Yes, cigarette side effects include heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) diseases like stroke and heart disease. In 2000, more than 1 in 10 deaths from CVD were traced back to smoking. Cigarette side effects include an increase in triglycerides and lower good cholesterol. Further, it can increase the risk of blood clots in the arteries by making the blood stickier while also causing the narrowing of blood vessels. Cigarette smoke causes damage to the cells lining our blood vessels. All of these lead to a seriously heightened risk of CVD in smokers.

  • Central Nervous System

The smoke effect is so potent that it can reach your brain in just 10 seconds after you take your first whiff of the cigarette. Nicotine in cigarette smoke can alter your mood. That’s why smoking makes you feel euphoric and energetic initially. But it harms your nervous system in many ways, as follows:

  • Neurotransmission
  • Development of nervous structures
  • Cognitive function
  • Cerebrovascular health

Smoking diseases include neurodegenerative diseases as well.

  • Addiction

Tobacco effects are not restricted to physical ailments. It can also become an addiction that you cannot break out of. The first smoke effect that you experience is positive. You can concentrate better and feel that it makes you very productive. But then these effects quickly wear off, leaving you craving the energy again, especially as you feel drained and enervated soon after smoking. Nicotine, which is highly addictive, makes smoking a tough habit to quit, and this can result in a slew of other problems for you both health-wise and apart from that.

  • Lung damage

The cigarette side effects on the lung are known very well, but smokers do not realize the seriousness of the issue until too late. Cigarette smoke significantly increases the risk of lung cancer. You are 25 times more likely to contract this dreaded disease if you are a smoker, more in the case of women. Most lung cancer fatalities across the world can be attributed to smoking.

  • COPD 

According to the American Lung Association, harmful effects of tobacco include a seriously heightened risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. COPD is the umbrella term for various illnesses that affect the lungs and cause considerable respiratory distress.

Know More: Understanding COPD & How Early Detection Helps

  • Macular degeneration

Did you know that smoking can make you lose vision? Smoking heightens the possibility of vision loss from age-related macular degeneration. This eye disease hampers your central vision owing to damage to the macula portion of the eye. AMD is a prevalent condition, especially in older people and those habituated to smoking; the chances of losing central vision are much higher.

  • Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is also one of the cigarette side effects that you should be aware of. There is a 30- 40% greater chance that smokers will develop this disease when compared with non-smokers. Diabetics who smoke are more likely unable to manage their insulin dosing correctly. So not only is Type 2 diabetes one of the common smoking diseases you can contract, but smoking can also make it difficult for you to manage the condition.

  • Erectile dysfunction

One of the tobacco’s less known harmful effects is that it narrows the blood vessels in the body. This also impairs the blood supply to the penis affecting male sexual function. One of the first questions asked of patients with erectile dysfunction is if they smoke a lot.

  • Reproductive complications

The risk of a fatal reproductive complication is heightened in women who smoke. Known as ectopic pregnancy, this condition occurs when the fertilized egg is not implanted inside the uterus but elsewhere. Not only does this pregnancy not survive, but the mother is also at grave risk.

  • Colorectal cancer

The link between lung cancer and smoking is relatively well known, but do you know that colorectal cancer can also be attributed to cigarette side effects? When cancer cells multiply in the colon or rectum, the condition is called colorectal cancer. Cigarette smoking is linked to this condition, and a preventive measure for this disease is to quit smoking.

There is little doubt that cigarette smoke can be highly injurious to health, but less known is the fact that most of the diseases outlined above can also be attributed to the harmful effects of tobacco. If you smoke or use any such product, it is time to stop NOW!

You must prioritize medical screening tests to evaluate how your body has been affected by cigarette side effects so that you can take corrective action quickly and effectively. Remember that many significant illnesses, including cancers, can be effectively treated if identified early, and screening helps you do that.

Book your appointment at NURA labs right away for a whole body check-up to evaluate overall health and identify potential early risks. You can also call in and check with us about the best package that suits your needs. With the medical prowess of Dr Kutty’s Healthcare and the cutting-edge technological expertise of Japan’s Fujifilm, NURA ensures you get the most accurate test outcomes, the fastest testing, and the best care before, during and after the testing procedures.

Read More: Everything you need to know about Coronary Artery Disease

Key Benefits of Employee Medical Check-up & Health Screening
December 2, 2022

Human resource is one of the vital assets of any organisation. As a business owner, it is up to you to safeguard this asset so that your business can grow at an incredible pace. Investing in employee health is even more critical now when chronic illnesses are on the rise.

Some of these may arise from stress at the workplace or workplace environment, including poor ergonomic work conditions. Many stem from lifestyle habits. Irrespective of the factors that affect employee health, prioritising this aspect by offering routine medical check-ups for employees is beneficial for your business. Here are six reasons why.

Six advantages of routine health check-ups for employees

  1. Healthy employees are also productive, and productivity underpins a business’s ability to fulfil market demand and remain profitable. When an employee is ill or unable to work at his/her best, the person’s productivity level dips. Not only is the illness affecting the employee, but it is also impacting your business’s efficiency and profitability. Regular health screening allows employees to keep track of vulnerabilities and pre-empt illnesses that may affect their productivity. In this way, when you invest in an employee health check-up package, you also invest in your business’s health.
  2. When employees call off sick, it causes much disruption in your business processes. While this is more evident, especially in the case of higher levels employees in the core management team, the frequent absence of employees in the lower hierarchies also disturbs the smooth working of the operations team. A routine medical check-up for employees helps identify potential illnesses in time so they can be averted or treated without the employee being affected to the extent that they need a leave of absence. Since health screening also helps identify serious ailments at early stages, it enables quick and easy treatment for such diseases. The employee derives the benefit of better treatment outcomes and quicker recovery, meaning they can resume work at the earliest too.
  1. A great way to improve employee retention is to demonstrate that you/your business truly cares for your staff. One of the lesser-known advantages of routine health check-up for employees sponsored by the company is that this positions you as a caring, considerate employee. Your qualified, trained staff is less likely to quit and move on when they perceive you as a good employer.
  1. As an extension of this, your business also gains a reputation for being a good employer, and this helps you attract the best talent in the market when you are looking to hire fresh talent. An employee health check-up package delivers great ROI by making you a coveted employee so that the most qualified and brightest freshers consider you their preferred employer.
  1. Medical check-ups for employees are not just advantageous for existing staff but also during hiring processes. Making a pre-employment medical test a part of your recruitment process helps you select the best candidates who are likely to give you committed, dedicated service for the long term. You cannot determine through an interview if a potential employee is healthy and fit enough to work without taking frequent leaves. However, the pre-employment medical test makes this very clear to you.
  1. Among the financial advantages of routine health check-ups is the tax benefit to you and your staff. Instead of increasing salaries and pushing your employee to a higher tax bracket, you can sponsor an employee health check-up package for the employee and their family members as a perk. This helps you and them save money on taxes while ensuring they remain healthy and fit to give you their best.

Also Read: Health and Safety of Employees – Why is it Important ?

Getting the right employee health check-up package

With so many benefits, it makes sense for your business to standardize an employee health check-up package that you can offer your entire staff. Choosing a committed, professional partner to give you this service is critical, so your employees get the best outcomes. What is most vital is that they get accurate results in the quickest possible timelines and that screening is done with top-notch equipment and complete convenience.

NURA labs ticks all these boxes and then some, with cutting-edge Japanese Fujifilm technology powering our testing processes. Dr Kutty’s Healthcare joins hands with this world-class technology to bring you the most efficient screening tests to keep track of your employee health. We understand that the common man may not be aware of which tests are to be prioritized at what stages in life. That’s why we have packages designed to give you comprehensive health check-ups that can screen for all major diseases efficiently and minutely. Partnering with NURA can help you give your valuable human resource the greatest advantages of routine health check-ups that include prevention and early treatment of serious ailments like cancer.

The Ultimate Guide to Preventive Care for Men | Nura
November 24, 2022

Adopting preventative health measures is a simple way to live long and healthily. Often, men who get tied up with busy careers ignore their health, assuming that as long as they have no visible symptoms, they are in perfect health. However, many diseases may develop slowly in your body with no sign. Failing to notice them on time can mean costly, invasive treatment solutions at a future date. Such diseases may arise from genetic factors, lifestyle habits, work environment, stress, and even poor posture. A simple way to keep diseases at bay is to follow the recommended health care maintenance by age that outlines the right tests to do at every stage of life. Here’s a ready reckoner that you can refer to and follow health maintenance guidelines by age:

Preventative screening for men in their 20s and 30s

The earlier you start being aware of your health and adopting healthy habits, the longer you enjoy a fit and healthy life. Simple habits like keeping alcohol to a minimum, avoiding smoking, using sunscreen, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly can help immensely. Taking precautions, like avoiding unprotected sex or second-hand smoke, goes a long way in keeping you away from diseases. In addition, the following preventive screening guidelines for adults and getting these tests done during these years allows you to avert health problems in your 20s and beyond:
1. Testicular cancer: Critical preventative health measures in your 20s include screening for this type of cancer commonly found in the age band 15 to 34.
2. Cholesterol screening: While those at low risk for cardiovascular diseases can get screened every five years starting at age 20, you need more frequent testing if you are a high-risk individual.
3. Mental health: Mental health ailments like depression can strike at any age, and young individuals are at risk too. It helps to be aware of these issues and get screened if you notice any symptoms that may not be right with you.

Apart from these, regular check-ups must include the following:
• Eye check-up
• Dental check-up
• Blood pressure evaluation

Preventative screening for men in their 40s

There is a greater risk of developing conditions like blood pressure and cholesterol now, especially if your weight is not in control and you primarily lead a sedentary life. These following tests must be a part of your health care maintenance by age when you hit your 40s and preferably annually from now on. Apart from these, once you hit the 40s, you should go for regular screenings tests for the following ailments:
• Colon cancer: If you have not started screening for this yet, start when you reach your 40th birthday. If a family member has been diagnosed with this disease, your screening must start early and get done yearly.
• Prostate cancer test: The PSA and DRE tests are the standard methods used to screen for prostate cancer, typically developing at this stage of life.
• Diabetes: Those above average weights are especially at risk of diabetes and must make this screening test an integral part of preventative health measures now without fail.

Preventative screening for men in their 50s

Apart from the battery of common tests (such as eye check-ups, dental check-ups, and blood pressure), checking one’s lipid profile to check cholesterol levels is an important test from this age onwards. Added to these and your age 40+ regular screenings, you must also ensure:
• Colorectal cancer screening: Typically, a colonoscopy is advised at this age if you have not been screened earlier. A CT colonoscopy is done starting now if missed earlier and repeated every five years if you are not at significant risk. One should go for this test frequently if there is a significant risk of developing colorectal cancer.
• Lung cancer screening: Especially those with a history of smoking must get a screening test done for this ailment. Those exposed to pollutants at work are also recommended to get this done.
• Osteoporosis screening: This is a debilitating disease that is often overlooked. Osteoporosis can impair your lifestyle severely and reduce your mobility drastically. Bone density tests screen for osteoporosis and detect it in the early stages when it can be managed effectively before it affects your quality of life.

Preventative screening for men in their 60s and above

Metabolism slows down at this stage, making weight control tougher even with a controlled diet. However, a combination of a good, nutritious diet and appropriate exercise helps. Poor vision or poor hearing can affect your ability to enjoy life as before. Make sure these check-ups are part of your preventative screening at this age. Apart from the regular screenings already covered, by this age, you need the following:
• Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening: This is more important if you have a history of smoking or smoking at present. Tests like CT scans, ultrasounds, and MRIs are used to detect aortic aneurysms and prevent the possibly fatal consequences of an aortic rupture.
• Cognitive ailments: These are, again, ailments that may be hidden for a long time if you are not careful. Educate yourself on these diseases and watch out for common symptoms as you cross your 60s. Cognitive tests should become part of your preventative health measures by this age so that you can identify the disease in the initial stage and start treatment to curb its progression.
Getting preventative screening done the right way
Test accuracy is paramount when you are getting your preventative health measures done. It makes all the difference between a fit, healthy life and a debilitating illness. To fulfil your preventive screening guidelines for adults at each stage of life, choose NURA labs as your testing partner. Backed by Dr Kutty’s Healthcare and Fujifilm Japanese technology, NURA labs gives you accurate testing with state-of-the-art equipment in a comfortable and convenient environment.
Our trained, experienced technicians can get you through your preventative screening tests at the earliest with the least discomfort to you. Our lab is designed to put you at ease and offer a homely, pleasant atmosphere while you wait for your screening to be completed. Your reports are delivered to you at the earliest in a format that can be easily shared with your physician and stored for future reference. At NURA, we prioritise your comfort so that taking appropriate preventative health measures is a seamless, hassle-free task for you and your loved ones. Book your appointment online right away at your nearest NURA lab.

This COPD now Awareness Month, Know all about COPD and how it can affect you
November 23, 2022

How many of us know that November is COPD awareness month? Not many at all. In fact, a surprisingly large number of people don’t know what COPD is and how seriously it can affect them. This November, the month officially designated national COPD awareness month, let us learn why it is critical to know about this disease, how it can affect us and what to do about it.

What is COPD?

COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, obstructs the flow of air from the lungs. Most often, COPD is seen in those with emphysema or chronic bronchitis, and these two can also occur together, worsening the patient’s condition drastically. The symptoms of the disease are not evident until lung damage has already begun. Although breathing difficulty is a symptom, this develops slowly over many years, and many people miss the progression of the symptoms until it drastically affects their life. Therefore, taking the right measures to spot the disease in its early stages is essential. Remember that COPD can lead to heart disease too and put you at greater risk of lung cancer.

Learning more about the disease in this COPD awareness month 2022 helps you understand how to avert the disease, identify it in time and treat it with the best outcomes.
Treatment for COPD begins after the condition has been diagnosed with simple tests like spirometry, blood test, or chest X-rays. Sometimes, further tests are recommended as required. Treatment includes:

• Tablets and medications in the form of inhalers
• Exercise for improving pulmonary health
• In limited cases, lung transplant

Common symptoms of COPD

During the COPD awareness month of November, campaigns are held to spread awareness about the ailment so that more people can learn about common symptoms and quickly get tested before the disease progresses. Among the most often seen early warning indicators are:

• A long-standing complaint of cough with mucous
• Inability to breathe deeply
• Wheezing
• Recurring chest infections
• Gasping for breath when walking, climbing stairs or doing mild exercises
• Difficulty breathing during routine activities

Since most of these symptoms are very common with other ailments or simple exhaustion, many people fail to take these seriously. Often, these are written off as ageing signs, a bout of cold, or allergies. Ignoring the symptoms allows the disease to develop and damage the lungs further undetected.
Chest pain, weight loss, and swelling of ankles from oedema are less frequently seen symptoms of COPD.

Causes of COPD

One of the main goals of the national COPD awareness month campaigns is to educate the public about which factors cause this potentially devastating disease. COPD is the result of the lung or the airways becoming inflamed due to damage. The most common causes of COPD are:

• Long exposure to pollutants
• Smoking or exposure to cigarette smoke, i.e., second-hand smoke (almost 9 out of 10 cases of COPD are caused by smoking)
• Dust/chemicals exposure at the workplace (even grain or flour dust can cause COPD)
• A genetic condition called Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency

Preventive measures

The good news is that COPD can be treated, and the treatment outcomes are excellent when the disease is detected early. With the right treatment at the right stage, COPD symptoms can be managed without affecting your quality of life. Here are some preventive measures:

• Avoiding smoking and second-hand smoke is the first and most effective way to tackle COPD risk
• Those who smoke should stop immediately to curb the progression of the disease

Avoid exposure to other pollutants in your environment (such as dust, fumes, chemicals, and smoke)
Apart from these, one simple way to prevent COPD is to track your overall health and identify if you are at risk of contracting the disease so that you can take the right measures in time. Regular health screening can help by scanning for this disease and many others that can affect your entire quality of life.

Annual whole-body screening packages that include the right tests for evaluating pulmonary health and COPD symptoms allow you to verify year after year if your lungs show any initial signs of this disease. Remember that detection in the early stage gives you the best treatment outcomes with the least invasive treatment methods. This makes health screening your most effective tool in preventing COPD or ensuring that it is addressed before it affects your lungs.

This COPD awareness month 2022, book your appointment at your nearest NURA labs for comprehensive screening for not just COPD but a host of other potentially dangerous diseases. We offer whole body screening packages for both men and women, comprising all the necessary tests you need to undergo to track your health completely. Our testing is backed by Dr Kutty’s Healthcare and powered by the cutting-edge tech expertise of Japanese Fujifilm to deliver accurate, timely results. Talk to a friendly NURA labs technician today to know more.

Regular Health Checkup Benefits
November 9, 2022

A decade ago, the only time we thought of a medical facility was when we got sick. However, this trend has changed today, which is a good thing for us. In today’s world, more people are giving their health importance well before sickness. It means we are heading towards a healthier, more productive population too. But this is not as common as it needs to be. If you are one of those who feel that thinking about health issues when you are perfectly healthy is unnecessary, here are a few points that may change your mind. Read to know why and how a regular medical health check-up can benefit you.

Reason 1: Peace of mind

As we age, we often find ourselves stressing how long we will live and what costs will be incurred in our medical treatment. Routine Health check-up tests can put these morbid thoughts out of your mind and reassure you simply by giving a quick appraisal of your health. A clean doctor check-up report reassures you that you are fit and fine and don’t need to worry about diseases and death.

Reason 2: Avert dreaded diseases in time

Did you know that many dreaded diseases like cancer or heart ailments can be averted if you detect them early? Yes, even cancers can be treated if you catch them early. This happens only when you go for a routine check-up regularly. For example, suppose your annual preventive health check-up list includes colon cancer screening. In that case, you may spot this disease’s probability before developing cancer. Taking the proper precautions at this point enables you to avoid the disease.

Reason 3: Keep medical costs within reason

One of the main reasons our health worries us excessively is that medical treatment costs are sky-high and rising yearly. While even doctor consultations and specialist fees are incredibly high, if we have a condition that requires hospital admission or medical procedures, the costs are near prohibitive these days. How to keep these costs down? Simple, by going in for a regular health check-up every year that tells you if you are fit and if anything is going wrong. You can prevent the disease from developing in your body, thus eliminating the medical cost associated with treatment. Or you can treat it early, thus eliminating the need for long-term, costly treatment.

Reason 4: Treat ailments at early stage and quickly

A preventive routine health check-up cautions you about diseases you are at high risk for so you can make changes in your lifestyle well in advance. For example, if your medical check-up reveals poor heart health, you can quickly make lifestyle and dietary changes to improve the condition and avert a heart condition. Similarly, suppose your routine health check-up tests indicate a propensity for respiratory illnesses. In that case, you know that you must avoid smoking or even passive smoke exposure or exposure to pollutants of other kinds. In short, you can identify the problem early and adopt simple, quick treatment methods to resolve the issues.

Reason 5: Periodically review medications

Many of us are on regular medications for a variety of diseases. This could be blood pressure, heart conditions, thyroid imbalances, or even simple deficiencies. Often, we fail to review the medications we take and adjust them regularly. A routine medical check-up is an excellent opportunity for us to do so without fail every year and ensure that we aren’t taking any more medications that are absolutely necessary. Periodic review and adjustment of regular medications prevent overdose or under-dose and enable us to stay in control of our health.

Reason 6: Making life adjustments as we age

What our body could handle when we were 20, it can no longer deal with at age 40. For example, we may have maintained poor sleeping patterns at age 20, but by the time we reach 40, the lack of enough sleep can start to affect us in many adverse ways. Also, if we have been doing something wrong since birth, the effects will begin to show up as we age. Wrong posture is an excellent example of this. Poor posture since childhood can start to show its impact as we age in the form of aches, pains, and even severe arthritic issues. A regular check-up pinpoints such ailments and prompts us to identify the cause. Once we know this, simple adjustments can improve our quality of life, prevent painful conditions and keep us fitter and healthier as we age.

Reason 7: Improves longevity

If your preventive health check-up list includes all the proper tests, then you are in the know about your body, its condition, and what you must do to keep diseases at bay or in control. You have the opportunity to start treatment well in time to get the best outcomes, even for potentially fatal diseases, while you keep others from even developing in your body. This is how a routine medical check-up can improve your life span.


If you have not regularly done your routine check-up tests, you may not know which ones are essential. Let that not deter you. At NURA Ai health screening center, we have designed a comprehensive preventive health check-up list that covers everything you need for a whole-body medical check-up. You must book your appointment today for an entire body check-up at your nearest NURA. Backed by AI-powered Fujifilm Japanese imaging technology and Dr. Kutty’s Healthcare’s medical expertise, NURA gives you the most accurate testing you can get most conveniently.

Osteoporosis- Learn all about this silent immobilizer disease
October 29, 2022

Severe osteoporosis disease, or stage 4 osteoporosis, is often categorized by minimal mobility, unexplained fractures, and a drastic change of posture in the patient apart from debilitating permanent pain. A person with a severe form of the disease may be permanently hunched, which prevents them from carrying out their daily activities and dramatically affects their quality of life. Come World Osteoporosis Day on October 20, and the spotlight turns to this disease as it does yearly. However, it is not enough to only talk about osteoporosis disease on this one day of the year. The fact that the degenerative disease can so easily stunt your lifestyle and that it is easy to keep at bay with the proper steps makes it critical for us to learn more and spread awareness about osteoporosis.

The signs and symptoms of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis causes severe mineral density loss that makes the bones weak and brittle. The bone can snap when someone suffering from severe osteoporosis disease sustains even a minor fall or impact. In some cases, even an act of sneezing has been reported to result in a fracture. The biggest challenge here is that the bone disease symptoms are hidden in the early stages, and the disease grows in severity quite ‘silently.’

The few osteoporosis signs that may be apparent as the disease progresses are:

  • Reducing grip when you try to hold something
  • Brittle nails that crack or break easily with the most negligible impact

However, these signs and symptoms of osteoporosis are easy to overlook, and in most cases, this is precisely how the disease is allowed to progress to Stage 4 without check.

When the disease has progressed to a severe stage, the symptoms are pronounced and may include the following:

  • Change in the posture where the patient is hunched over owing to spine curvature
  • Frequent bone fractures with negligible impact or even coughing or sneezing
  • Persistent pain in back and neck
  • Loss of height because of spinal compression
  • Shortness of breath caused by collapsed vertebra putting pressure on lungs

What causes osteoporosis?

In a healthy individual, the bones keep replenishing themselves. Old bones are eliminated, and new bones take their place in a naturally occurring continuous process. You develop osteoporosis when your body loses too many bones or enough bones are not being made anew to replace what is lost. The bones of a person with this disease look like a honeycomb, and the spaces in the honeycomb structure are far more significant than what you would see in healthy bones.

Osteoporosis is a disease caused by:

  • Poor calcium intake throughout life leads to low bone density, pronounced bone loss, and increased fracture risk.
  • Inadequate nutrition in dieters who restrict food intake drastically and lose weight excessively
  • Constricted stomach size owing to gastrointestinal surgery, which leads to less surface area to absorb nutrients
  • Some medicines, such as steroids or medications used for seizures, cancer, transplant rejection, etc.
  • Certain diseases increase the risk of osteoporosis, such as celiac disease, IBS, cancer, multiple myeloma, kidney disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Besides, your lifestyle can put you at greater risk of this disease. Lack of exercise leads to unhealthy bones. Another common lifestyle factor that promotes bone deterioration is the regular consumption of alcohol or excessive smoking. Osteoporosis is more likely to affect those with these habits.

Keeping osteoporosis disease at bay

Staying active and physically fit is a simple and effective way to remain osteoporosis free. Simple exercises like walking or jogging can keep you fit, including maintaining your bone health. Weight-bearing exercises are even more beneficial in helping maintain and improve bone health.

Lifestyle changes should include avoiding alcohol or smoking or cutting both down to safe levels. Apart from this, looking into your diet plan and seeing that you add nutritious foods to your meals is a way to incorporate the proper nutrients your body needs to maintain bone density and bone health. The following are examples of foods that may help you meet your daily nutritional needs:

  • Dairy products rich in calcium
  • Fatty fish
  • Green veggies, spinach, tomato, potatoes, sprouts, raisins, sweet potatoes, green leafy veggies
  • Banana, papaya, orange, pineapple

Another critical step to prevent osteoporosis is regular health check-ups that include bone density and bone health evaluation. These tests tell you early if there are any symptoms of osteoporosis so that you can quickly correct your lifestyle or improve your diet to keep the disease from worsening. Health screening is the simplest and most effective way to free yourself from many dreaded diseases, not just osteoporosis. Identifying abnormalities at early stages enables you to begin treatment early when successful outcomes are more likely.

To begin your journey to better health, commit yourself to annual health check-ups this world osteoporosis day. Book your appointment for a whole body screening package at NURA Ai Health Screening center, where you get the dual benefit of cutting-edge Fujifilm imaging technology and Dr. Kutty’s Healthcare’s medical prowess. Friendly, trained technicians, a comfortable ambiance, and committed personnel make your annual health check-up a hassle-free, easy experience at NURA Ai Health Screening centre.

Everything you need to know about Coronary Artery Disease
October 28, 2022

Coronary Artery Disease, or CAD, is a disease that falls under the umbrella of Cardiovascular diseases or CVDs. In India, not only is the prevalence of CVDs high but there is also a startling predilection for Indians to be susceptible to the disease at a much younger age than our Western counterparts. Research shows that CVDs strike Indians a decade younger than in the West. Numbers also show that our country has the dubious distinction of the highest coronary artery disease rates among our population.

The general factors contributing to coronary artery disease are known to be:

  • Hypertension
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes

However, alarmingly, research has not been able to pinpoint why the rate among our population is higher and why Indians are most affected at a younger age among all ethnic groups. We need to learn about the prevention of coronary artery disease so that we can live without any restrictions.

Primary health education for CAD patients

Before we head into the prevention of coronary artery disease, let’s first see what this disease is and how it affects us. CAD, in medical terms, is also known as Coronary Heart Disease, one of the most common heart ailments. In coronary artery disease, there is damage to the coronary arteries, which are blood vessels carrying blood to the heart. These arteries thicken, and thus the passageway for the blood to pass through is narrowed down. This disrupts the continuous flow of oxygen to the heart and in turn other parts of our body.

The heart pumps harder and strains more to get adequate blood. The excessive strain caused by coronary artery disease can lead to the irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) or heart failure.

The most important question here is: Is prevention of coronary artery disease possible?

Yes, since this narrowing down of blood vessels does not occur overnight, we can prevent the disease by taking the right action at the right time. It becomes possible when we identify the problem early through regular health screening tests. Let’s now see the next part of essential health education for CAD patients: prevention.

How to prevent heart disease?

Prevention of coronary artery disease is not very complex, and all of us can incorporate these steps into our daily lives to lead healthier lives. Whether you have already begun to exhibit symptoms that lead to a medical conclusion of coronary artery disease or you wish to be safe owing to a family history of heart ailments, here are 7 critical preventive habits to adopt:

  • Healthy diet

Include the foods that protect your heart in your diet. That means fruits, whole grains, fish, nuts, lean protein, and vegetables. Make sure you eat balanced meals at the correct times of the day. There are foods to avoid, too – deep-fried foods, processed meats, red meats, excessive sweets, and full-fat products. These tend to increase the clogging of arteries. Avoid excessive salt too. In general, go for low-fat, high-fiber diets.

  • Stay active

A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of coronary artery disease dramatically. Remember that the heart is a muscle, and exercising it keeps it strong and healthy like any other muscle in your body. A well-exercised heart can function well even under strain, i.e., it can pump blood efficiently at all times without succumbing to exertion quickly. Regular simple aerobic exercises can significantly benefit heart health and help prevent coronary artery disease.

  • Quit smoking

Smokers are at greater risk of CAD and other CVDs because the chemicals released in cigarette smoke narrow the arteries. Those diagnosed with CAD are advised to stop smoking immediately. Smoking has many other ill effects, too, affecting nearly every organ, not just the heart.

  • Control weight

When you put on too much weight, your heart is under more significant stress to function as it should. Obese people are at high risk of heart disease. Losing weight is a great way to reduce this risk and also helps in the prevention of coronary artery disease. A healthy diet and weight loss are often interlinked, and the latter helps with the former. Add to that regular exercising, and you will not just lose weight quickly but also mount a three-pronged attack on coronary artery disease.

  • Manage blood sugar levels

Diabetics are among those with the highest risk of coronary artery disease. When your blood sugar levels are out of control, you have damage to your arteries continuously. Ultimately this leads to coronary artery disease. Managing blood sugar levels can reduce your risk of heart ailments and promote heart health.

  • Blood pressure control

Another health aspect of controlling for prevention of coronary artery disease is blood pressure. When your blood pressure is high, the force exerted by the blood against artery walls is higher. Over time, this continuous pressure damages the arteries. Keep track of your blood pressure and take the recommended steps to keep it under control.

  • Stay stress-free

One of the most common causes of heart disease, including coronary artery disease, is high-stress levels. Stress can send your blood pressure soaring, and damage to artery walls is inevitable. Effectively tackling stress can help reduce your risk of heart disease as well as make your quality of life better as a whole.

Treatment for coronary artery disease

The lifestyle changes listed above are also part of the treatment strategy for CAD. However, medications are also prescribed, and sometimes procedures may be advised. The medications include:

  • Cholesterol-reducing drugs keep bad cholesterol in control and reduce plaque build-up in the arteries, Clot-prevention medicines, however medicine should be taken based on doctor recommendation only.
  • Beta-blockers slow the heart rate and keep blood pressure under control.
  • ACE inhibitors also keep blood pressure under limits.
  • Artery-widening drugs
  • Others may be recommended based on the patient’s specific condition.

Invasive treatment methods for coronary artery disease include:

  • Angioplasty and stent: When arteries are clogged, a surgical procedure is done to widen the blocked part. A stent is placed in the narrowed-down location to keep it wide open so that blood can usually pass through.
  • Bypass graft surgery: The damaged blood vessel leading to the heart is replaced with a new blood vessel taken from elsewhere in the body. An alternative pathway is created for blood to pass through the recent passage avoiding the damaged location.

Heart ailments like coronary artery disease should not be taken lightly because they can have fatal consequences. Indians, in particular, should be extra cautious given the research that says we are more prone to these diseases at a younger age than global populations.

Regular screening as a preventive measure

One of the simplest ways to ensure heart health and track it is by regularly getting the proper screening tests done. At NURA Ai screening cenre, we have a Healthy heart package designed for all above the age of 20 that helps you evaluate how well your heart is functioning. In addition, our whole-body check-ups also feature heart health assessments that allow you to track how well your heart is functioning. Regular screening with these tests enables you to identify heart ailments as they develop so you can address them at a very early stage with minimal effort or simple lifestyle changes.

Now, all it takes for you to screen for this severe illness and keep it at bay is to book your appointment at your nearest NURA Ai Health Screening Centre. Our trained, expert technicians will tell you all you need to know about the tests and how to prepare for them. Backed by Dr. Kutty’s Healthcare expertise and Fujifilm’s technological prowess, we bring you the best in medical testing at NURA. Call us today to book your appointment and take the first step to keep your heart safe and healthy.

7 Indicators That Tell You Everything About Your Heart Health
September 14, 2022

India holds the dubious distinction of having a worryingly high number of deaths caused by cardiovascular disease. Approximately 24.8% of all fatalities in the country can be attributed to CVDs. In addition, the average age at which Indians suffer their first heart ailment is a dramatic 10 years lower, at 53 years, than most developed countries. These numbers undoubtedly highlight the importance of heart health in our country and why every citizen needs regular heart health check-up. The first step towards improving the situation is to inform and educate, and in this article, that is exactly what we aim to do. We have listed 7 indicators that can tell you how good your heart health is and how to use these indicators to identify potential problems.

7 signs of a healthy heart

  1. Heart rate:

    Anywhere between 60 to 100 beats per minute is deemed normal for adults when they are at rest. Take your pulse rate to find out your heat beat rate per minute. You will be able to find the difference in the heartbeat at rest and after you have been working out simply by counting your pulse beats. Or you can find out your ideal resting heart rate from your doctor. Remember that the lower the number (above a minimum of 60 for most people), the stronger is your heart. However, if you are accustomed to regular exercise, your resting heart rate may be lower too. Lower rest rate means that your heart can supply enough blood to your body without having to work too hard, meaning it is in great condition. When you go for a heart health check-up, you will find these numbers printed on the report and you can compare them with your next report.


  1. Recovery rate:

    It is normal for your heart rate to get elevated after you have been working out or running or carrying out any intensive physical activity. This does not indicate a heart ailment but the pace at which your heart rate comes back to normal, that is, the recovery rate, does tell you a lot about how strong your heart is. There is a simple way to test this. Check your heart rate immediately after you have just finished a heavy workout. Then rest for about a minute. Now check again. If you can see a drop of a minimum of 20 beats within this one minute, your recovery rate is healthy enough.


  1. Blood pressure:

    There are two components to your blood pressure measurement. The systolic pressure is the arterial pressure when the heart is in squeezing motion. The diastolic pressure is the pressure in between heart beats when it relaxes. You will see your blood pressure recorded with two numbers: A/B. A is the systolic pressure and B is diastolic. Normally, the systolic blood pressure should be less than 120, diastolic less than 80. Remember that blood pressure varies throughout the day, depending on what you have been doing. So, to get an accurate measure, you may need to measure it at different times during the day.


  1. Breathing pattern:

    You normally do not notice your breathing at all unless you find yourself gasping for air. If this tends to happen frequently, when you have not done any heavy or intense physical activity, then this is a sure cause for concern and must be checked out. Note that shortness of breath after you have run up two flights of stairs is normal but gasping for breath after you have slowly climbed is not. Shortness of breath can also be the result of extreme stress/anxiety. Pay special attention to whether you are feeling pressure on the chest while lying down or doing normal, simple activities like cooking or walking the dog.


  1. Stamina:

    The ability to get through your day feeling energetic and fresh is a sign of a healthy heart. Always feeling tired and lethargic may be a sign of a heart that is unable to pump enough oxygenated blood. If you find that you are suddenly running out of stamina for things you could do without trouble earlier, this is a cause for concern. Having low energy all day, feeling like you want to take a nap after doing moderate physical activity, feeling extremely tired after walking just a short flight of stairs- all these could be a sign that your heart is unable to pump the blood your body needs. An interesting correlation between sleep apnoea and heart disease is that the former can lead to the latter. Sleep apnoea also prevents you from getting a good restful night’s sleep, which adds to your daytime fatigue.


  1. Cholesterol:

    When your cholesterol levels are in balance, that is, both LDL and HDL, your heart is healthy. This is typically not something you can find out at home like you can with many other indicators, but every heart health check- up will measure your cholesterol levels too and give you a clear picture of where you stand.


  1. Oral health:

    Unusually enough, good oral health is a sign that your heart is in great shape. Yes, oral infections can simply arise from bacterial build-up and poor oral hygiene. However, if despite great brushing habits, you have sore gums, this could be a red alert for heart disease. Research shows links between periodontal disease and heart disease. Poor dental health presents a significant risk of bacteria from the mouth entering the blood stream and damaging heart valves. Dental health and hygiene are highlighted as priority items for those with artificial heart valves because of this reason.

Knowing the indicators can save your life

Heart disease does not develop overnight. It often happens that the individual suffering from acute heart ailment had symptoms over a long period that he overlooked. Seemingly innocuous signs like gasping for breath while climbing stairs, swelling in legs and ankles or unusual chest pressure- all of these should ring warning bells. Paying attention to your body, understanding changes in it and taking the right action at the right time can ward off a heart attack and save your life.

In addition to these, the simplest and most efficient way to care for your heart is to opt for regular heart health check-up from a reputed lab like NURA where you get the latest AI technology health check- up. With NURA, you can look forward to the tech expertise of Japan’s Fujifilm combined with the medical expertise of Dr Kutty’s healthcare, working for you. A comprehensive heart check-up, or even better, an annual master health check-up, can help you keep track of your health and identify early warning signs of cardiovascular problems. If you are in Bangalore, searching for ‘master health check-up near me’, look no further. Just call NURA and fix your appointment today.
