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December 26, 2022

Causes of Liver Diseases

As the liver is the second largest organ in the human body and the key player in waste removal from the system, its proper functioning is extremely critical. Several kinds of liver diseases can affect how well the organ works, and many of them, when left unchecked, can impair liver function completely. Liver chronic disease may prevent proper separation of nutrients and waste, leading to severe complications. Being aware of liver problem symptoms helps you take the right steps in time to prevent this situation.

Liver Disease Symptoms: What to Watch Out for

Knowing the early symptoms of liver disease works in favour of seeking medical help well in time to prevent liver failure. Some warning signs include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Tiredness
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea

When the condition has been existing for a while, and the organ is affected, these are the liver damage symptoms that you may experience:

  • Bloated stomach
  • Jaundice
  • Sleepiness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Swelling or oedema in arms and legs
  • Easily bruising or even bleeding
  • Urine/stool colour change
  • Disorientation

What Causes Liver Failure?

Liver infection can slowly progress over a long time, ultimately resulting in liver failure. However, there is also a condition known as Acute Liver Failure that can occur very quickly, over as little as 48 hours.

Scarring or cirrhosis occurs when significant parts of the liver are damaged beyond repair. The organ damaged in such a way over large areas cannot function because there is not enough healthy tissue left. When this happens, it is called liver failure. This can be potentially life-threatening, and immediate medical care is imperative.  Some kinds of liver disease can also result in cancer when left untreated.

Acute liver failure can develop in those with no previous history of liver problems. Since it develops so quickly, the individual may completely overlook the liver disease symptoms until too late. The symptoms of liver failure mimic those of liver disease; hence they should not be ignored or sidelined as something to be looked into later.

Acute and Chronic Liver Failure

Acute Liver Failure: This occurs when the liver suddenly stops working without any warning signs of liver disease prior to this. An individual may not even know that he/she has a major health complication and needs immediate medical intervention.

Chronic Liver Failure: The damage to the liver builds up slowly over several months or even years until the liver can no longer function properly. When the damage is too substantial, the organ stops functioning. In most cases, untreated liver chronic disease is the leading cause.

Common Causes of Liver Damage

Many factors can damage the liver and/or cause scarring, such as:

  • Some infections such as hepatitis A/E, chronic hepatitis B/C
  • Some autoimmune diseases
  • Diseases that affect bile ducts
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Genetic diseases like Wilson’s disease
  • Diseases that affect the veins in this organ
  • Liver diseases arising from drinking alcohol
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Exposure to toxins like strong industrial-grade chemicals
  • Exposure to toxic mushrooms

Apart from these, some causes arise from medications or treatments you follow:

  • Excessive use of Acetaminophen
  • Reaction to antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and anti-epileptic drugs
  • Some herbal supplements, such as kava

Diagnosing Liver Disease

As acute liver failure can be fatal, it is essential to diagnose it in time and get the right treatment quickly when you see the first warning signs and symptoms. When you approach your physician for liver problem diagnosis, these are the steps they may recommend:

  • Liver Function Tests: This involves assessing the level of protein and enzyme in your blood to indicate how well the liver is functioning
  • Blood tests to identify other conditions: Since liver damage can arise from other conditions, too, blood tests like a complete blood count (CBC) may be advised to identify it
  • Liver Biopsy: Liver samples may be collected to see if there is scarring
  • Imaging: CT scans, MRI, and ultrasound may be done to examine the liver visually

Preventive Care for Liver Disease

Getting liver infection treatment promptly is critical to ensure you do not suffer liver failure. But it is possible for you to overlook the common liver disease symptoms or to put off treatment until it is too late. The best way to avert complications arising from such situations is to focus on preventive care.

An annual health check-up that includes the proper tests to identify liver damage and liver disease in the initial stages helps you identify and seek medical attention at the right time. With the appropriate treatment at the early stages, you can avert serious problems and continue to live your life with ease and freedom.

NURA Ai Screening offers the best testing options backed by Japan’s Fujifilm AI-driven imaging technology and Dr Kutty’s healthcare. Friendly staff (lab technicians, Radiographer, Doctors) empathetic service, quick report generation, and a comfortable lab environment make undergoing preventive tests easy and simple at NURA. Our whole-body scan packages help you keep a watch on your health and identify issues like liver trouble before they begin to affect your body. Book your appointment today and ensure your good health.

Learn More: 10 lifestyle diseases that are common in India
