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April 19, 2021

Health Screening: An Overview

“Health is not valued till sickness comes” – No saying is wiser than these words of wisdom by Thomas Fuller. It is when we fall sick that we realise the importance of staying healthy and take adequate measures to heal our body. Fortunate are those who get a second lease of life and bounce back after an illness, but not everyone is as lucky. 

The overall health care landscape of the country looks grim. India’s disease burden is alarming, and lifestyle-oriented diseases like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, COPD and heart diseases are at an all-time high. These critical illnesses come unannounced and sometimes go unnoticed for months before finally showing the warning signs. Thus staying in charge of your health is more important today, than it was ever before; that’s where preventive health care comes in.

Health Screening or a Preventive health check-up is the need of the hour!

Preventive healthcare, as the name suggests, consists of a series of health screening tests, designed to detect hidden diseases early in otherwise healthy people. A preventive health check-up or a health screening is for healthy, asymptomatic people. It allows early detection of underlying health conditions which, when ignored, can pose life-threatening consequences at a later stage.

Know the importance of early detection & preventive health check-up!

Preventive health care gives you a 360-degree overview of your health status and helps identify diseases early ensuring the right treatment at the right time. When it comes to critical illnesses and lifestyle disorders, the earlier they get diagnosed, the more likely it is for you to find a cure and manage it better. With early detection and treatment, you may be able to prevent or delay complications and consequences that these life-altering diseases pose to your health. Some lifestyle diseases like COPD and Diabetes can’t be cured but detecting them early with the help of preventive health check-up, and screening tests help you manage the condition better and makes it easier to live with it.  

3 Reasons why you should make health screening a part of your routine!

To stay healthy & active: A health screening or a preventive health check-up is your best chance of knowing how healthy you are. It gives you a holistic overview of your health, so you can take charge of your health and necessary measures to steer clear of diseases. Thus, allowing you to live a long and healthy life.

To be health-aware: Preventive healthcare allows you to see the unseen and take necessary precautions to stop a disease or condition from worsening. It also tells you whether you are at risk of developing critical illnesses and prepares you to combat them better by taking the necessary steps to change your lifestyle or get the right treatment for better health.

To stay a step ahead of diseases: Health Screenings and preventive health check-up is the greatest weapon in fighting diseases. It can detect pre-cancerous condition and cancer early when multiple treatment options are available. When detected early, it may respond to treatment better and knowing your health problems well in advance helps you take care of your physical and mental well-being. Thus, allowing you to stay in control of your health better. 

It may be quite intimidating to go for a health screening or preventive check-up, but worth your while as it helps you overcome the fear of the unknown. Knowledge is the ultimate power when it comes to your health, and a preventive health check-up is the best way to be completely aware of your health status. It also provides you with a sense of reassurance and well being. Thus, Adopting preventive healthcare as a part of your daily routine is the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, because early detection is the best protection. Schedule your health screening today!
