Nura November 9, 2022 Regular Health Checkup Benefits A decade ago, the only time we thought of a medical facility was when we got sick. However, this trend has changed today, which is a good thing for us. In today’s world, more people are giving their health importance well before sickness. It means we are heading towards a healthier, more productive population too. But this is not as common as it needs to be. If you are one of those who feel that thinking about health issues when you are perfectly healthy is unnecessary, here are a few points that may change your mind. Read to know why and how a regular medical health check-up can benefit you. Reason 1: Peace of mind As we age, we often find ourselves stressing how long we will live and what costs will be incurred in our medical treatment. Routine Health check-up tests can put these morbid thoughts out of your mind and reassure you simply by giving a quick appraisal of your health. A clean doctor check-up report reassures you that you are fit and fine and don’t need to worry about diseases and death. Reason 2: Avert dreaded diseases in time Did you know that many dreaded diseases like cancer or heart ailments can be averted if you detect them early? Yes, even cancers can be treated if you catch them early. This happens only when you go for a routine check-up regularly. For example, suppose your annual preventive health check-up list includes colon cancer screening. In that case, you may spot this disease’s probability before developing cancer. Taking the proper precautions at this point enables you to avoid the disease. Reason 3: Keep medical costs within reason One of the main reasons our health worries us excessively is that medical treatment costs are sky-high and rising yearly. While even doctor consultations and specialist fees are incredibly high, if we have a condition that requires hospital admission or medical procedures, the costs are near prohibitive these days. How to keep these costs down? Simple, by going in for a regular health check-up every year that tells you if you are fit and if anything is going wrong. You can prevent the disease from developing in your body, thus eliminating the medical cost associated with treatment. Or you can treat it early, thus eliminating the need for long-term, costly treatment. Reason 4: Treat ailments at early stage and quickly A preventive routine health check-up cautions you about diseases you are at high risk for so you can make changes in your lifestyle well in advance. For example, if your medical check-up reveals poor heart health, you can quickly make lifestyle and dietary changes to improve the condition and avert a heart condition. Similarly, suppose your routine health check-up tests indicate a propensity for respiratory illnesses. In that case, you know that you must avoid smoking or even passive smoke exposure or exposure to pollutants of other kinds. In short, you can identify the problem early and adopt simple, quick treatment methods to resolve the issues. Reason 5: Periodically review medications Many of us are on regular medications for a variety of diseases. This could be blood pressure, heart conditions, thyroid imbalances, or even simple deficiencies. Often, we fail to review the medications we take and adjust them regularly. A routine medical check-up is an excellent opportunity for us to do so without fail every year and ensure that we aren’t taking any more medications that are absolutely necessary. Periodic review and adjustment of regular medications prevent overdose or under-dose and enable us to stay in control of our health. Reason 6: Making life adjustments as we age What our body could handle when we were 20, it can no longer deal with at age 40. For example, we may have maintained poor sleeping patterns at age 20, but by the time we reach 40, the lack of enough sleep can start to affect us in many adverse ways. Also, if we have been doing something wrong since birth, the effects will begin to show up as we age. Wrong posture is an excellent example of this. Poor posture since childhood can start to show its impact as we age in the form of aches, pains, and even severe arthritic issues. A regular check-up pinpoints such ailments and prompts us to identify the cause. Once we know this, simple adjustments can improve our quality of life, prevent painful conditions and keep us fitter and healthier as we age. Reason 7: Improves longevity If your preventive health check-up list includes all the proper tests, then you are in the know about your body, its condition, and what you must do to keep diseases at bay or in control. You have the opportunity to start treatment well in time to get the best outcomes, even for potentially fatal diseases, while you keep others from even developing in your body. This is how a routine medical check-up can improve your life span. If you have not regularly done your routine check-up tests, you may not know which ones are essential. Let that not deter you. At NURA Ai health screening center, we have designed a comprehensive preventive health check-up list that covers everything you need for a whole-body medical check-up. You must book your appointment today for an entire body check-up at your nearest NURA. Backed by AI-powered Fujifilm Japanese imaging technology and Dr. Kutty’s Healthcare’s medical expertise, NURA gives you the most accurate testing you can get most conveniently.