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December 2, 2022

Key Benefits of Employee Medical Check-up & Health Screening

Human resource is one of the vital assets of any organisation. As a business owner, it is up to you to safeguard this asset so that your business can grow at an incredible pace. Investing in employee health is even more critical now when chronic illnesses are on the rise.

Some of these may arise from stress at the workplace or workplace environment, including poor ergonomic work conditions. Many stem from lifestyle habits. Irrespective of the factors that affect employee health, prioritising this aspect by offering routine medical check-ups for employees is beneficial for your business. Here are six reasons why.

Six advantages of routine health check-ups for employees

  1. Healthy employees are also productive, and productivity underpins a business’s ability to fulfil market demand and remain profitable. When an employee is ill or unable to work at his/her best, the person’s productivity level dips. Not only is the illness affecting the employee, but it is also impacting your business’s efficiency and profitability. Regular health screening allows employees to keep track of vulnerabilities and pre-empt illnesses that may affect their productivity. In this way, when you invest in an employee health check-up package, you also invest in your business’s health.
  2. When employees call off sick, it causes much disruption in your business processes. While this is more evident, especially in the case of higher levels employees in the core management team, the frequent absence of employees in the lower hierarchies also disturbs the smooth working of the operations team. A routine medical check-up for employees helps identify potential illnesses in time so they can be averted or treated without the employee being affected to the extent that they need a leave of absence. Since health screening also helps identify serious ailments at early stages, it enables quick and easy treatment for such diseases. The employee derives the benefit of better treatment outcomes and quicker recovery, meaning they can resume work at the earliest too.
  1. A great way to improve employee retention is to demonstrate that you/your business truly cares for your staff. One of the lesser-known advantages of routine health check-up for employees sponsored by the company is that this positions you as a caring, considerate employee. Your qualified, trained staff is less likely to quit and move on when they perceive you as a good employer.
  1. As an extension of this, your business also gains a reputation for being a good employer, and this helps you attract the best talent in the market when you are looking to hire fresh talent. An employee health check-up package delivers great ROI by making you a coveted employee so that the most qualified and brightest freshers consider you their preferred employer.
  1. Medical check-ups for employees are not just advantageous for existing staff but also during hiring processes. Making a pre-employment medical test a part of your recruitment process helps you select the best candidates who are likely to give you committed, dedicated service for the long term. You cannot determine through an interview if a potential employee is healthy and fit enough to work without taking frequent leaves. However, the pre-employment medical test makes this very clear to you.
  1. Among the financial advantages of routine health check-ups is the tax benefit to you and your staff. Instead of increasing salaries and pushing your employee to a higher tax bracket, you can sponsor an employee health check-up package for the employee and their family members as a perk. This helps you and them save money on taxes while ensuring they remain healthy and fit to give you their best.

Also Read: Health and Safety of Employees – Why is it Important ?

Getting the right employee health check-up package

With so many benefits, it makes sense for your business to standardize an employee health check-up package that you can offer your entire staff. Choosing a committed, professional partner to give you this service is critical, so your employees get the best outcomes. What is most vital is that they get accurate results in the quickest possible timelines and that screening is done with top-notch equipment and complete convenience.

NURA labs ticks all these boxes and then some, with cutting-edge Japanese Fujifilm technology powering our testing processes. Dr Kutty’s Healthcare joins hands with this world-class technology to bring you the most efficient screening tests to keep track of your employee health. We understand that the common man may not be aware of which tests are to be prioritized at what stages in life. That’s why we have packages designed to give you comprehensive health check-ups that can screen for all major diseases efficiently and minutely. Partnering with NURA can help you give your valuable human resource the greatest advantages of routine health check-ups that include prevention and early treatment of serious ailments like cancer.
