December 26, 2022

As the liver is the second largest organ in the human body and the key player in waste removal from the system, its proper functioning is extremely critical. Several kinds of liver diseases can affect how well the organ works, and many of them, when left unchecked, can impair liver function completely. Liver chronic disease may prevent

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December 7, 2022

Have you ever heard anyone wax eloquent on the benefits of smoking? Has any cigarette brand ever talked about which cigarette is good for health? No, because cigarette smoking, in fact, the use of tobacco products, is harmful to health, is well known and established. Yet in 2020, according to the WHO, 22.3% of the

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December 2, 2022

Human resource is one of the vital assets of any organisation. As a business owner, it is up to you to safeguard this asset so that your business can grow at an incredible pace. Investing in employee health is even more critical now when chronic illnesses are on the rise. Some of these may arise

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November 24, 2022

Adopting preventative health measures is a simple way to live long and healthily. Often, men who get tied up with busy careers ignore their health, assuming that as long as they have no visible symptoms, they are in perfect health. However, many diseases may develop slowly in your body with no sign. Failing to notice

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November 9, 2022

A decade ago, the only time we thought of a medical facility was when we got sick. However, this trend has changed today, which is a good thing for us. In today’s world, more people are giving their health importance well before sickness. It means we are heading towards a healthier, more productive population too.

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October 29, 2022

Severe osteoporosis disease, or stage 4 osteoporosis, is often categorized by minimal mobility, unexplained fractures, and a drastic change of posture in the patient apart from debilitating permanent pain. A person with a severe form of the disease may be permanently hunched, which prevents them from carrying out their daily activities and dramatically affects their

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October 28, 2022

Coronary Artery Disease, or CAD, is a disease that falls under the umbrella of Cardiovascular diseases or CVDs. In India, not only is the prevalence of CVDs high but there is also a startling predilection for Indians to be susceptible to the disease at a much younger age than our Western counterparts. Research shows that

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October 28, 2022

Making a bucket list of things to do before you turn 30? Right on top of that list should be scheduling medical health screening tests, especially if you haven’t been doing them regularly. Regular medical health checks help you weed out any medical issues early on, reducing the risk of any debilitating consequences that may

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