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November 24, 2022

The Ultimate Guide to Preventive Care for Men | Nura

Adopting preventative health measures is a simple way to live long and healthily. Often, men who get tied up with busy careers ignore their health, assuming that as long as they have no visible symptoms, they are in perfect health. However, many diseases may develop slowly in your body with no sign. Failing to notice them on time can mean costly, invasive treatment solutions at a future date. Such diseases may arise from genetic factors, lifestyle habits, work environment, stress, and even poor posture. A simple way to keep diseases at bay is to follow the recommended health care maintenance by age that outlines the right tests to do at every stage of life. Here’s a ready reckoner that you can refer to and follow health maintenance guidelines by age:

Preventative screening for men in their 20s and 30s

The earlier you start being aware of your health and adopting healthy habits, the longer you enjoy a fit and healthy life. Simple habits like keeping alcohol to a minimum, avoiding smoking, using sunscreen, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly can help immensely. Taking precautions, like avoiding unprotected sex or second-hand smoke, goes a long way in keeping you away from diseases. In addition, the following preventive screening guidelines for adults and getting these tests done during these years allows you to avert health problems in your 20s and beyond:
1. Testicular cancer: Critical preventative health measures in your 20s include screening for this type of cancer commonly found in the age band 15 to 34.
2. Cholesterol screening: While those at low risk for cardiovascular diseases can get screened every five years starting at age 20, you need more frequent testing if you are a high-risk individual.
3. Mental health: Mental health ailments like depression can strike at any age, and young individuals are at risk too. It helps to be aware of these issues and get screened if you notice any symptoms that may not be right with you.

Apart from these, regular check-ups must include the following:
• Eye check-up
• Dental check-up
• Blood pressure evaluation

Preventative screening for men in their 40s

There is a greater risk of developing conditions like blood pressure and cholesterol now, especially if your weight is not in control and you primarily lead a sedentary life. These following tests must be a part of your health care maintenance by age when you hit your 40s and preferably annually from now on. Apart from these, once you hit the 40s, you should go for regular screenings tests for the following ailments:
• Colon cancer: If you have not started screening for this yet, start when you reach your 40th birthday. If a family member has been diagnosed with this disease, your screening must start early and get done yearly.
• Prostate cancer test: The PSA and DRE tests are the standard methods used to screen for prostate cancer, typically developing at this stage of life.
• Diabetes: Those above average weights are especially at risk of diabetes and must make this screening test an integral part of preventative health measures now without fail.

Preventative screening for men in their 50s

Apart from the battery of common tests (such as eye check-ups, dental check-ups, and blood pressure), checking one’s lipid profile to check cholesterol levels is an important test from this age onwards. Added to these and your age 40+ regular screenings, you must also ensure:
• Colorectal cancer screening: Typically, a colonoscopy is advised at this age if you have not been screened earlier. A CT colonoscopy is done starting now if missed earlier and repeated every five years if you are not at significant risk. One should go for this test frequently if there is a significant risk of developing colorectal cancer.
• Lung cancer screening: Especially those with a history of smoking must get a screening test done for this ailment. Those exposed to pollutants at work are also recommended to get this done.
• Osteoporosis screening: This is a debilitating disease that is often overlooked. Osteoporosis can impair your lifestyle severely and reduce your mobility drastically. Bone density tests screen for osteoporosis and detect it in the early stages when it can be managed effectively before it affects your quality of life.

Preventative screening for men in their 60s and above

Metabolism slows down at this stage, making weight control tougher even with a controlled diet. However, a combination of a good, nutritious diet and appropriate exercise helps. Poor vision or poor hearing can affect your ability to enjoy life as before. Make sure these check-ups are part of your preventative screening at this age. Apart from the regular screenings already covered, by this age, you need the following:
• Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening: This is more important if you have a history of smoking or smoking at present. Tests like CT scans, ultrasounds, and MRIs are used to detect aortic aneurysms and prevent the possibly fatal consequences of an aortic rupture.
• Cognitive ailments: These are, again, ailments that may be hidden for a long time if you are not careful. Educate yourself on these diseases and watch out for common symptoms as you cross your 60s. Cognitive tests should become part of your preventative health measures by this age so that you can identify the disease in the initial stage and start treatment to curb its progression.
Getting preventative screening done the right way
Test accuracy is paramount when you are getting your preventative health measures done. It makes all the difference between a fit, healthy life and a debilitating illness. To fulfil your preventive screening guidelines for adults at each stage of life, choose NURA labs as your testing partner. Backed by Dr Kutty’s Healthcare and Fujifilm Japanese technology, NURA labs gives you accurate testing with state-of-the-art equipment in a comfortable and convenient environment.
Our trained, experienced technicians can get you through your preventative screening tests at the earliest with the least discomfort to you. Our lab is designed to put you at ease and offer a homely, pleasant atmosphere while you wait for your screening to be completed. Your reports are delivered to you at the earliest in a format that can be easily shared with your physician and stored for future reference. At NURA, we prioritise your comfort so that taking appropriate preventative health measures is a seamless, hassle-free task for you and your loved ones. Book your appointment online right away at your nearest NURA lab.
