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September 14, 2022

What Are The Recommended Medical Tests By Age 30?

One of the most important things you must do when you step out on your own into the world as an adult is take your health seriously. In your 20’s you may feel that this is an unnecessary precaution because you are healthy and seldom have any ailments. However, this can prove to be a costly assumption. There are medical issues that can develop at any stage of life and the only way to prevent them and live a healthy life is by going for a master health check-up regularly. Be it a cancer screening test or a heart health check-up or some other screening, medical tests can potentially save your life by:

  • Identifying a disease at an early stage
  • Pinpointing developing conditions that can lead to fatal diseases
  • Highlighting the adverse impact of lifestyle on your health
  • Catching physiological changes before they transform into dangerous conditions

Hence, going for consistent, planned medical health check-ups is a great way to live life anxiety-free. Here are the main tests you must get by the time you turn 30.

  • Blood pressure:

    Ideally, you should get your blood pressure checked every alternate year after the age of 20, but if you have missed out on this so far, do start when you hit 30. Keeping track of your blood pressure is not only essential for heart health, but also for your brain, kidneys, eyes and arteries. If you have signed up for a heart health check- up, BP check is one of the first tests you will be undergoing. For those who have already been diagnosed with diabetes, kidney ailments or heart ailments, BP checks should be carried out more frequently.

  • Cholesterol:

    Did you know that in the U.S., the American Academy of Paediatrics recommends cholesterol screening for kids between 9 and 11 years? Don’t assume that excess cholesterol accumulation happens only later in life. If you have never had your cholesterol levels measured, you must start doing so at least by 30. Cholesterol build-up can inflame your arteries and result in heart conditions. Keeping track of both good and bad cholesterol levels will help you tweak your lifestyle and diet to avert cardiovascular diseases arising from this.

  • Cancer screening:

    One of the most dreaded diseases we have today is cancer. However, we also have the means to identify most cancers at a very early stage where they can be treated effectively. These involve special cancer screening tests that you must opt for by 30:

  • Skin cancer:

    There is no age for skin cancer to happen and this disease can affect very young people too, depending on their exposure to various factors. According to Cancer.org, melanoma, a type of skin cancer, is the most common cancer among those younger than 30. If you have a family history of melanoma, then you may have a higher risk of developing this disease at a younger age.

  • Colon cancer:

    A simple test to identify polyps at early stages can lead to prevention of colon cancer. This screening test is especially necessary by 30 if you have a family history of cancer, genetic disorders or some other factors that put you at high risk.

  • Testicular cancer:

    This cancer is very common between the ages of 20 and 34 and this makes it one of the most crucial diseases to be screened for during your master health check-up. You must also learn to check for this disease on your own at home so you can carry out regular checks periodically.

  • Breast cancer:

    If you have a close relative who has breast cancer, you may be at higher risk of developing this condition. Breast cancer screening during your master health check-up can help you maintain a regular check on whether you have any anomalies that need further exploration.

  • Cervical cancer:

    By age 25, you must start cervical cancer screening and continue this until age 65. A Pap smear test every 3 years is the ideal screening test for this cancer. A simple pelvic exam during every annual master health check-up is a must to detect potential risks too. Many women avoid this for many reasons, but this screening is very important for women.

  • Others cancers:

    While other screening tests, such as lung cancer screening, are mainly carried out later in life, if you are a high-risk individual for any cancers or your lifestyle habits put you at high risk of developing them, start screening early to identify problems before they aggravate.

  • HIV/ STI screening:

    This is one of the most overlooked tests that you must start taking as soon as you become sexually active. Testing for HIV is critical and must be done at least annually. If you have multiple sex partners, the frequency of testing should be increased to twice annually or even four times each year.

Remember that sexually transmitted diseases can lead to big problems, and the unchecked spread of infection can sometimes result in infertility in women. Screening tests for such diseases is very important, especially for women in the 20 to 30 age band.

  • Vision screening:

    If you wear spectacles, you probably get an eye exam annually, but even if you don’t, you must get your eyes tested on alternate years. If you have been experiencing vision problems, a thorough check-up by an ophthalmologist is necessary. Also, follow ups with regular screenings are a must too. There are several preventable eye ailments that you can spot with screenings and tackle before they turn serious.


  • Oral screening:

    Your teeth often indicate some deep-seated problem in your body even if there is no other symptom. But even otherwise, you must ensure that dental exams are a part of your annual master health check-up without fail. Cavities and gum related problems can slowly worsen with time, deepen, and result in conditions that can only be treated with invasive, long-drawn procedures. Teeth and gum related problems can be very painful too and they can prevent you from eating or drinking what you like. Overall, dental issues can affect your body in many ways, which is why dental care is one of your priority screening tests by the age of 30. To avoid a scenario where your dental problems are the cause of constant pain or discomfort, make sure you get annual dental screening. This will also present an opportunity to check for signs and symptoms of other problems like diabetes.

All in all, don’t let a hectic work schedule take your attention away from your health. Setting up an annual master health check-up is a simple way to ensure that your health is not neglected and that you are taking the right steps to safeguard yourself from an early age. Remember that with regular health check-ups, you can empower yourself to take corrective action as soon as your body begins to show some signs of a potential problem.

Moreover, a master health check-up is not a time consuming or complex process at all if you visit a reputed lab like NURA, where your tests are done with state-of-the-art equipment in the most convenient ways possible. At NURA, you can enjoy the advantage of Japan’s world class Fujifilm technology combined with Dr Kutty’s medical expertise. The comprehensive tests done here are accurate, speedy and reliable. Experienced, friendly lab technicians will explain every single test to you, and you will find all the processes comfortable enough. So, get started before you hit 30 and keep common health concerns at bay.
