7 Indicators That Tell You Everything About Your Heart Health webnuraadmin | September 14, 2022 India holds the dubious distinction of having a worryingly high number of deaths caused by cardiovascular disease. Approximately 24.8% of all fatalities in the country can be attributed to CVDs. In addition, the average age at which Indians suffer their first heart ailment is a dramatic 10 years lower, at 53 years, than most developed …
What Are The Recommended Medical Tests By Age 30? webnuraadmin | September 14, 2022 One of the most important things you must do when you step out on your own into the world as an adult is take your health seriously. In your 20’s you may feel that this is an unnecessary precaution because you are healthy and seldom have any ailments. However, this can prove to be a …
How To Prepare For Your Health Screening – A Handy Guide webnuraadmin | September 14, 2022 Anyone who understands the importance of staying fit and independent as they age knows how crucial an annual full body check-up can be. These tests help you to ensure that your body is in peak form and there are no impending issues that are waiting to blow up into serious ailments. Even dreaded diseases like …
What are the tests included in Full Body Check- up? webnuraadmin | September 14, 2022 Have you been putting off a full body check-up because you think it is unnecessary? This oversight can turn out to be very costly for you in terms of your health! A full body check-up helps you to keep a close watch on your body and any changes occurring in it over the years. When …
Why cervical cancer screening should be your priority webnuraadmin | August 10, 2022 Did you know that the number of women who are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year is a staggering 122,844? Of these, 67,477 women pass away from this disease. In women, in the age group of 15 to 44 years, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed. However, the incidence of this disease …
What is the difference between emphysema and COPD? webnuraadmin | June 27, 2022 Can you imagine how it would be if you found it difficult to breathe? Or if you had to put in immense effort to simply cough? How would it feel to be unable to bring out the phlegm accumulated in your lungs? This is how people with COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease feel, day …
10 lifestyle diseases that are common in India webnuraadmin | June 18, 2022 You don’t catch an illness only from bacteria or a virus. The way you live your life, the habits you have, and the things you do play a major role in determining the kind of ailments you might contract. Which brings us to lifestyle diseases. Wondering how common they are in India? Well, did you …
Blood glucose levels through HbA1c- Why should you check it? What does it tell you? webnuraadmin | June 9, 2022 Diabetes is a serious concern in India. According to the WHO, 8.7% of the population in the age band of 20 to 70 years suffers from this condition. A slew of factors has led to the growing prevalence of this disease- urbanisation, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle, among others. And the worrying part is that …
Health and Safety of Employees – Why is it Important ? webnuraadmin | May 20, 2022 According to the United Nations Global Compact, 2.78 million employees die from work related accidents and diseases annually. Apart from this, non-fatal accidents related to the workplace affect 374 million employees every year. A distressing 7500 deaths occur globally every day among employees and these can be attributed to unhealthy and unsafe workplace conditions. But …
10 Reasons Why Regular Health Screening is Important webnuraadmin | May 11, 2022 It is easy to ignore the possibility of an illness when you are apparently healthy or keeping well seemingly. Moreover, you probably don’t want to worry about ailments unless you experience a symptom that you cannot ignore. It is natural to feel that way. However, given how easily different diseases and conditions are affecting people …