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What is Preventive Health Check-Up and Why is it Important for You?

Did you know that a simple problem like anaemia or iron deficiency can lead to irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia, or even heart failure? Globally, over 2 million people have anaemia and if left undiagnosed and untreated, it can lead to heart issues. Why is this important and how is it linked to a preventive health check-up?

Digital Mammography | Breast Cancer

Did you know that about 2.3 million women around the world were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020? And 685,000 of them could not survive. In India, as well as the rest of the world, Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer observed in women. Moreover, data suggests it to be more common

The benefits of Ai in Healthcare

How Ai is delivering transformational benefits in healthcare The word “artificial intelligence” or Ai immediately connotes the future. It implies a world where machines converse with one another within an ecosystem that transforms the way we live and function in our day-to-day lives. Manufacturing robots, bot nurses, smart assistants, robotic vacuum machines, Alexa, Google Home,

How Artificial Intelligence is shaping the future of healthcare

Today, digital tools are the norm in every facet of life. A step forward from this is artificial intelligence or Ai as it is popularly known. The potential of Ai in transforming the manner in which we function as human beings is phenomenal. IoT and other machine learning solutions are pointers to this fact.  Healthcare

Why Mammography Is Important

Over 40? What you should know about Mammography Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women today. Moreover, it has been noticed that incidence of breast cancer in women increases substantially around the age of 40, which is twice the number as compared to women between 35 to 39 years. While this may look

Simple ways you can live a long, healthy life like the Japanese

Japanese lifestyle tips for longevity It is no secret that the Japanese live long, healthy lives. While the average life expectancy across the world is 72.6 years, in Japan it is 84.6 years. So how do the Japanese do it? Is there a formula or an approach to life that helps them live not just

Diabetes – The bitter-sweet truth

What is diabetes? The disease has been called the “silent killer”. It refers to a disorder where the body does not have the capacity to absorb blood glucose resulting in increased blood sugar levels. Left untreated, diabetes can affect internal organs and can even be life-threatening. The World Health Organization has predicted Diabetes to be

Cancer: A Growing Menace For India

On February 4th, World Cancer Day, the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) provided voice and thanks to the nurses, physicians, researchers, volunteers, campaigners, and other oncology caregivers from around the world, as well as government departments, who have served through the COVID-19 pandemic over the past year. In the face of the pandemic, the

Cardiovascular Diseases, Types, Risks and Prevention

India is a nation with a very young population. So, it is of utmost importance that our country’s youth, especially those between 25 to 55, focus on cardiovascular health. The diseases involving the heart and its blood vessels are called cardiovascular diseases. Types of Cardiovascular diseases: The form or function of the heart is affected

Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging: A Game Changer

The very mention of AI or Artificial Intelligence in healthcare makes most of us picture a humanoid doctor treating us. So, how close are we to this scenario? Well, it seems we are almost there.  Journey of AI in Medical Roadways: So far, So good! Since starting from the very first AI project, the Dendral